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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Weird, it’s always been quite easy with both my series 2 and 4. I’d rather them improve the battery than having AOD draining it.
  2. I’ve worn an Apple Watch for nearly three years now and I gotta say that this has never been an issue.
  3. I switched with the Galaxy S6, but I hated that phone so I went back to Apple after a year. Battery on it was total garbage. It's just up to your preferences. My phone does what I want, so I stick with with. And since I have the iPad and Watch, I'm just entrenched in the ecosystem now.
  4. I tend to keep mine a couple years, then sell for a new one. I guess phones aren't super important to me, but I'm used to Apple.
  5. Eh, phones in general really aren't changing much from year to year. There's really no point in upgrading your phone yearly, unless you just like wasting money.
  6. I realized I forgot to reply to this. I never saw the miniseries. I was a kid when it came out and terrified of clowns, so I always avoided it. I might check it out sometime, just for comparison.
  7. Thanks for the tips, ED. I'll be sure to look into some of these. LEt me know what you think of The Institute, I saw that one a couple weeks ago and it looked intriguing.
  8. Seemed like no one could see zombie Hocksetter, so I'm not sure we really needed a conclusion there. The book pretty much handles it the same.
  9. Yeah, I'll be keeping my XR for another year at least. No need to upgrade my series 4 watch, either. And no regrets about buying the most recent base iPad.
  10. Thanks! What I know of the Dark Tower series, I've never been interested in reading it because it seems more fantasy oriented and they're also super long, right? However, I've had The Shining on my wishlist for a while and I've actually never seen the movie, so I don't have that to ruin it for me. I just always heard the book was bad in comparison to the movie. Bag of Bones looks like it could be a winner. I'll check it out. I'll check out your other mentions, too. I went into Barnes & Noble today and I got lost in the King section, it was overwhelming. Ended up buying a biography instead, lol.
  11. I kinda wanna read more of Stephen King, based on what I've read and liked of his, what would be another recommendation? I do have Misery on my Kindle that I plan on reading at some point.
  12. Having just finished the book, I certainly didn't pick up on anything of the sort. Yeah, he was upset, but that's about all. They were all upset.
  13. You know, I don't even think I've ever played a game on Dreamcast and we've owned it for years. It just doesn't gold any nostalgia for me since I didn't have one back then. Husband loves it, though. I just like the 2D games on Saturn and there are a ton of excellent imports.
  14. We actually have some incandescents left. They were in the house when we bought it and we kept them all for the game room lights because they dim really well, unlike the LED bulbs we've tried. The rest of the house is all LED, though.
  15. I didn't get past the first world in the game. I'm sure I'll go back go it, but it wasn't doing a lot for me.
  16. Quite doubtful from what I've learned recently. Just be prepared.
  17. Nah, the initials being reinforced at the end was the proof if you didn't catch it before. It didn't bother me, but it's an obvious change from the book and I don't recall it hinting at it during the first movie.
  18. House was built in 2003 and the AC is that old. They could repair it, but it's a gamble and I'd rather not pour hundreds of dollars into a dying unit, because the leaks will keep happening and it's at the end of the lifespan anyway. We basically just threw away $250 Saturday when it quit working and they came out to try to repair the leak. We're literally in the midst of a heat wave right now, with temps hitting 100 degrees a couple days ago. It's 96 out right now and we're not dropping below 90 until maybe late next week. At least the downstairs unit works. It's just as old, but it's not running on a daily basis. We've been sleeping in the guest room and spending most of the day in the game room.
  19. Red meat, you say? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/laura-ingraham-tries-to-drink-light-bulb-steak-to-trigger-liberals_n_5d73c962e4b0fde50c2740cd?utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&utm_source=main_fb&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063&utm_medium=facebook&section=politics&fbclid=IwAR0GArAw4RXmoCEvFkqVMNYVpWfXaOx9f3cMMC9kuN1ZdH8cA9aADk0s96o
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