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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Since I have a low tolerance for alcohol and thus am not much of a drinker, losing myself in video games and books helps with my sanity.
  2. I played the first dungeon in Link's Awakening last night, this is gonna be a fun one. Also, still chugging along in AC Odyssey. I'm 74 hours in, according to Steam and nowhere near the end.
  3. I'm afraid she's gonna walk and there's gonna be riots. This is fucking disgusting.
  4. While The Quiet Game is really good so far, I decided to also start on Educated by Tara Westover. I've had it on my Kindle for ages, but never got to it. I believe @Nokra really enjoyed it. Plus, I like reading on my Kindle in bed, so as not to disrupt my husband's sleep.
  5. I canceled my subscription earlier this year, still no regrets.
  6. Finally added this grail to our collection. It's not the US version, which is more than I'd ever spend on a game, but the Famicom cart is better looking anyway.
  7. So I didn't really know where to post this, but I saw it this morning while I was at work and literally burst out laughing at the nurse's station:
  8. Up to 46 books on the year. I decided to start the Penn Cage series by Greg Iles, reading the first book, The Quiet Game.
  9. I'm fine with kindly educating someone but I also know who I was dealing with. He's not interested in education, he's just a troll who does this routinely.
  10. I really should have sold my PS4 copy when it was worth it. I'm not even excited about the prospect of this on PC.
  11. I'm sure I'll play AC Odyssey tonight but I also need to finally try out Link's Awakening. Just been busy.
  12. Days Gone is great example of a game that had a lot of performance issues but I really liked it anyway. Hoping to start this game t tonight. Been visiting my family so I haven't had a chance to boot it up yet.
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