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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Man, the Cardinals sure are full of class. https://mobile.twitter.com/stlsportscntrl/status/1182095291572461568?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1182095291572461568&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231182095291572461568
  2. I've never been much for horror, but the mood has hit me and I spent a while researching, trying to figure out what I wanted to read for the genre. This one kept popping up and a good ghost story/haunted house seemed right. The author looks to have some other interesting books I might pick up later if I like this one. I also got my copy of The Shining in today, that might be my next read.
  3. So I finished it early this morning. I gotta say, I feel...conflicted on this one. I wasn't as enamored with it as the general population seems to be. She's a good writer, though reading through her experiences, she comes across somewhat...ambivalent. I do believe she endured some abuse and neglect at the hands of her parents and her family is probably nuts to some point, but there were definitely times I felt seemed pretty farfetched. Like I have a hard time believing she received absolutely no education and was able to teach herself complex math and get a high ACT score to be accepted to BYU, then later Cambridge and Harvard. A family that shunned education yet produced three children with doctorates? And her father totally should have died if his injuries were accurately described. No way someone could be burned that bad and pull through with only homeopathic treatments. Yeah, I just didn't feel quite right with this one. Since it's October, I'm wanting some spooky stories and while I don't read much horror, I'm in a mood for it right now. I'm going to start The Invited by Jennifer McMahon.
  4. New PS/Xbox announcements just make me go I'll get a PS5 at some point but it's not going to be any great leap and I don't need one right away. I learned that with this Gen.
  5. I don't think many people care about this shitty show these days.
  6. I've learned a lot since this story broke. Seriously, how the fuck did the buffoon come to this decision? It seems like everyone is saying it's a terrible and shitty move.
  7. Dude has already said he doesn't have a 3DS, so ALBW isn't an option at this point.
  8. Fair enough. I just dislike puking, so it's an easy pass for me. That is definitely not a good feeling for me. I just wondered if I've been missing something, like I lack a certain genetic trait that make the shit taste good, lol.
  9. That explains it some. I don't just love beer, but on occasion, it hits the spot and I do like the feeling once in a while. I just couldn't ever force myself to consume something that literally makes my stomach spew out it's contents to get there. I never understood people who go on and on about how smooth this particular liquor is. It could be a $1000 bottle of fine scotch or Wild turkey from the corner store, it's all the same to me. I'm gonna gag either way. I just wondered if it's some acquired taste or people just have really strong willpower to make themselves drink the stuff.
  10. I wish I at least understood the appeal of liquor. It doesn't matter what it is, any time I've ever tried a sip, it literally makes me gag. A colleague once got me to try this expensive rum from the store her son manages and I nearly puked right there in the store. It's about on par with taking liquid clindamycin.
  11. There was a time when I'd have loved this. Now, I know it's unlikely they'll actually make the game fun. This game stands out as the biggest fall from hype I've ever had.
  12. Yeah, I was reading something to that effect. In her testimony she admitted to shooting to kill him, so intent was there. There's just no evidence she planned it out, which would explain the lighter sentence. Not familiar with Texas law, but I figure it's on par with second degree murder in most places.
  13. I figure it needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis. Some people will never be rehabilitated. I actually don't mind Norway's method.
  14. I doubt it, but there's still a difference between a murder conviction and manslaughter. The jury rejected manslaughter, that was mentioned in all the articles yesterday.
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