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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. This type of behavior is common among the evangelical community. It’s not something exclusive to Mormons or JWs.
  2. I’m not going to make the claim that every single Christian school discriminates, but it does seem to be a common theme with their “conduct codes.” Fuck them. I can’t believe this is the world we’re living in.
  3. I read the article, too, and I stand by what I said. shit, it’s not like I’m the only one here who said it or something similar.
  4. The whole thing is bonkers. But I'd argue that if a school discriminates, regardless of their affiliation, they shouldn't get public funds, if we're narrowing it down to that. I don't feel comfortable with any religiously affiliated school getting public funds for that matter. You want your kid to learn religion? Take them to church or mosque or synagogue.
  5. Silly me, that makes it all okay. Private schools shouldn't get government funding. That's what it boils down to.
  6. Why should schools that plainly discriminate get government funding? What fucking world do some of you live in?
  7. Warren/Klobuchar Yes, it’s weird and I’m not overly enthused with any of the candidates for various reasons, but I’ve always liked Warren. Not really on board with her promise of blanket student loan forgiveness Olin one fell swoop, though. I’ve long liked Klobuchar, too, she’s more of a pragmatist like me, though I don’t think she’ll win. Sorry, don’t have a ton of time to get in depth, at work. But I’m voting blue, no matter who at the end of the day.
  8. Downton Abbey, the movie - 9/10 Well, I adored the TV series, so why wouldn’t I love this?
  9. I know. I tried it back in high school and I struggled. One of the few examples where I couldn’t get through the book but enjoyed the movie. I’ve heard The Hobbit is an easier read, so I might try that sometime.
  10. I haven’t watched TLOTR movies in years. I’ve got the EEs on Blu-ray, need to sit down and watch them sometime. Haven’t seen the Hobbit movies. Shockingly never read any of the books, either.
  11. I think it’s easy to understand why people talk about the popular vote. And I just don’t see him getting 3million+ more votes than 2016. He knows what worked then, he’s likely going to try the same strategy this time. But it doesn’t really matter. We’re likely fucked in November.
  12. I'm well aware of how he won. But you're saying he's likely to win a majority of the popular vote and I don't see that happening.
  13. Well, Biden seems like the most likely outcome at this point, assuming he's able to beat Trump. I really don't like Biden, but I want Trump out more. and I'm still mentally preparing myself for the outcome that he loses by even bigger margins, but eeks out an EC victory.
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