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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I'm assuming people have their own strengths and weaknesses and may not be suited to do both. I'm just...guessing here.
  2. I joined Book of the Month a couple weeks ago, so I'm gonna read my first one, The Sun Down Motel by Simone St James. So far, so good. It's an early access, too! Doesn't release to to the general public for another few weeks. I may finish it before I move on the Goblet of Fire in my HP-a-thon. Down to about 130 pages in Stalin. The end is in sight! I think I'll enjoy part 2 of that series more, since it covers the Ukraine famine and lead up to WWII.
  3. He’s serious. And he’ll tell you why soon enough. Can’t wait to read that explanation. Israel really kind of fucking sucks.
  4. I've only ever watched the first movie and that was just a couple years ago. I'm sure I'd enjoy them well enough, I just haven't made time to sit down for them.
  5. Kingdom of Heaven is the first that comes to my mind, but it’s the Director’s Cut I love and the general consensus is that’s the much better version.
  6. Yes, please! I was initially skeptical with first person in REVII, but it was a great game, so I'm all in.
  7. I actually don’t recall seeing the word when I looked at the ResetERA thread. Plenty of dumbass dog piling, though.
  8. It's gotten to be too much. I'm pretty PC and left leaning, but come on. The idea that some words are off limits, regardless of context is stupid.
  9. Hey, we agree on something! But seriously, I don't get this mindset. It's like there's a subset of the population that has a desperate need to be offended.
  10. Discovered this last night. Basically, this guy who has been doing fan translations for years, did a translation for Goemon 3 on Super Famicom. The word "tranny" appeared, because that was an accurate translation of dialogue in the game and the PC warriors jumped on the guy, called him transphobic, accused him of being an alt-right operative and right-wing extremist. Just kinda overwhelmed the poor guy and he's taking a step back from doing further translations. Sounds like ResetERA played a big part, too. Fuck these people. It's like being offended at racial slurs in old literature. There's a lot of random tweets and forum threads about it, but this seems to sum it up well enough:
  11. I know we don’t always see eye to eye on issues, but damn, that was good.
  12. Yes, I’m sure a national news anchor used a racial slur on live television. Come on, guys.
  13. I can’t think of any celebrity death that has had that much of an impact on me. It’s really sad, yeah, but I don’t get affected unless it’s personal to me.
  14. She's already come out to say she jumbled her words when she first tried to say "Knicks." It happens to everyone, no need to make it into something it's not and people are stupid, calling for her to be fired.
  15. Of all the things associated with this orange shithead, this registers pretty low on the scale. Actually, it doesn't really register at all.
  16. I was never a fan of the guy, but damn, we have some assholes in here. Some heavy news to wake up to. Guy was still a legend and I feel bad for his family.
  17. I never liked him, but damn. That’s terrible. Especially with one of his kids. 😢
  18. I finished the first book in a few days. I’m going to continue the series, but I like to pace myself and I don’t read them all back to back to back. I like to vary my reading so I don’t get burned out on one genre.
  19. Took me a couple weeks, but I finally got back to River of Doubt and finished it last night. I've been reading a lot more fiction than usual, that was my first nonfiction this year. I'm gonna focus on finishing Stalin now, before starting anything else new. I've only got a couple hundred pages left in this tome and I want to wrap it up. Still reading the Harry Potter series for the umpteeth time. One the third book. It's a good one to take to work and read during downtime(when I have it.)
  20. I haven’t played a game all month, but I think the husband and I are gonna start Wolfenstein Youngblood tonight.
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