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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Man, I don't know. I don't think the situation had to escalate like that, but I'm betting a lot of you don't experience this stuff ever. Healthcare workers are assaulted by patients at an alarmingly high rate. And honestly? If someone spit a mouthful of blood in my face, my reaction may not be too great, either. Definitely not saying it was acceptable what the officer did and it's fucking stupid for the sheriff to completely deny what's clearly there on video. I think there were much better ways to handle the situation and fat rent-a-cop should have kept his cool and smaller rent-a-cop was dead wrong for slamming the kid to the ground like that. But as someone who has been assaulted by patients, had to call security countless times for out of control patients, a lot of you don't know what it's really like. I've never hit a patient, though.
  2. That was bigbiscuit and supposedly he lived less than an hour away from me.
  3. Withdrawing grandpa's tube feeds and making him comfortable until he passes is a lot cheaper than repeat hospitalizations for sepsis, wound care, surgical debridements, etc. It's also more merciful.
  4. Why is everything more expensive regarding healthcare in the US? But it seems weird to exclude drugs and surgical procedures in your comparison, as that's what treatment is. Typically, when you start palliative care, patients don't live long. You're simply making them comfortable with drugs like morphine and ativan until they die. Of course, chemo drugs and surgery are going to be loads more expensive.
  5. Last I checked, no one advocated for straight up turning people away. Though I have had patients kicked out of the hospital or had the hospital refuse to admit them, but that's an entirely different topic.
  6. I don't really disagree, which is why I did say the quote was pretty callous. I'm not well versed in healthcare costs, but I'd wager a significant portion goes to people being completely noncompliant. I might look for a new line of work if all my patients suddenly started taking their diseases seriously and becoming compliant with lifestyle and diet and taking their medications.
  7. I say all of this as my family had gone through two losses in the past week. My widowed grandmother's long time companion died in hospice last week at 85. He'd had a pretty active lifestyle until he broke his hip in November. First surgery, the rod wasn't placed correctly, second surgery, the incision became infected and the antibiotics he received put him in renal failure. Thankfully, he was able to speak for himself and elected hospice. Today, my great aunt died in hospice at age 91. She was in a nursing home, gotten a UTI, became septic. Things were improving, but she took another downturn and her grandchildren(both her children died years ago) chose to put her in hospice, rather than have her endure more suffering with no real recovery. And last Spring, we lost my 87 year old grandfather. He'd been doing quite well, living independently, until flu and pneumonia sent him spiraling. My family agreed to stop pushing treatment and we let him go. It's also what he had decided before he was unable to speak for himself.
  8. There's no hard line, but after years of dealing with this stuff, I put quality of life as my top priority. If there's no meaningful chance for recovery and a decent life after that, then the treatment should stop. I've seen way too many people wanna keep 80 year old grandpa breathing, even if it means he's going to spend the rest of his "life" bedbound, with pressure ulcers getting worse, going septic, being fed through a tube, constantly shitting in those grotesque wounds on the backside. Far too many times, I've felt like I was doing more harm, abiding by a family's naive wish to keep someone breathing than just peacefully letting them go.
  9. I work with this stuff every single day. Either you're deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying or you just really don't get it.
  10. Generally not. I mean, if the person or their family really, really wants the treatment, then we're obliged to give it. But with a terminal diagnosis at that point in a life, we push for palliative care and that's typically what most people want.
  11. This is a really ridiculous comparison. You're talking about someone at the tail end of their life, trying to what? Extend it for another year or two with a lot of suffering involved?
  12. I mean, it's callous, but it's not wrong. You're not going to fix people at that age with devastating diseases. Most won't want the treatment anyway. I think it should be an option, but it's not realistic. I see it every day.
  13. It's weird seeing sbl abandon his high horse for once to defend a cheating team. Even weirder seeing him drunk posting. Though I'm no expert at drunk posting, but his seems rather embellished.
  14. I'm about halfway through Order of the Phoenix, but I decided to start The Holdout by Graham Moore. It's my BotM pick for Feb. So glad I joined.
  15. Yeah, I need to get this at some point. I'll wait for it to be cheaper, though. I played through the second game last Summer, so I'm not in a rush. Also, I suck at getting the good endings. They don't exactly make it easy.
  16. I like adventure games and from a technical perspective, Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls were impressive. But the "twist" at the end of HR was entirely stupid and made me hate the game for the reasons people have stated over and over. I honestly remember very little about Beyond's story, it was that unremarkable. After those two, I really had little desire to pick up Detroit, especially with all the other options out there. From a story telling front, there are much, much better adventure games out there.
  17. Unbelievable - 10/10 What a remarkable show. Pissed me off at times, but then it should. I really liked the female detective leads. They played well off each other and the fact that it was a couple female cops who worked the real life case made it even better.
  18. Oh, I thought he was talking about Witcher 3. Given some of his gaming opinions, I guess I just assumed. The first is hard to play now. I couldn't do it when I tried a several years ago, so I just watched Youtube videos to summarize the story and started with 2.
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