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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I think you just may be overlooking them. I’ve seen a ton. Some nights, there’s dozens of them, just keep going on.
  2. So I did start Say Nothing this week, it's good thus far. For my fiction, I'm now reading Sword of Destiny, the second collection of short stories in The Witcher series. Figured it was time I get back to that.
  3. Yeah, I don't care about the cabaret stuff. I like beat-em-ups, but more along the lines of Streets of Rage, Final Fight. Short, side-scrolling games.The open world, 30 or more hours of beat-em-up style feels more like a slow chore to me. Sucks, because the story seems good. Maybe I'll give it another try sometime, but I played it several times last Summer and each time, I just couldn't be bothered to stick with it.
  4. I wish I could get into Yakuza. I kept trying to play 0 but I just get bored. Sucks because it seems like something I’d love. Maybe it’s the fact it’s limited to fist fighting.
  5. Typically on my side, most often my right side. Pillow between my knees. When the husband isn't in bed, I usually grab his pillow and hold it. Always in pajama pants and an old t-shirt.
  6. I always take my time with these games, searching everything. Steam says I'm just over 7 hours in and I made it to the labs. Getting a bit tired, plus, I want to get some reading in before bed. I work tomorrow night, so I should be able to beat this thursday night, Friday at the latest. Love these games and the remakes are excellent. I hope they do CV next.
  7. I had my shift canceled tonight and that's the first time in nearly 4 years of working at this hospital where it's happened. My job is safe, I work a 40 bed med-surg unit, so we won't be closing, but admissions have been way down. We normally stay full, but we're down to under 25 patients tonight, which is probably the lowest I've ever seen it. Plus, they closed a smaller med-surg unit next to us, so those nurses are either getting canceled or moving to our floor for the time being, leaving an excess of staff. Crazy times. But I'm still better off than a lot of people, so if this doesn't become a normal thing, I'll be okay and not fuss too much.
  8. Work canceled my shift for the first time in the nearly 4 years I've been there. So I'll be playing Animal Crossing and RE3 tonight.
  9. Hmm, not so sure. Husband tried to send me something, but somehow I'd fallen off the BFF list and he couldn't send me anything.
  10. If you still need cherries later this week, I can get you some. I’m just working a three in a row stretch now. But I’ll be on Thursday evening
  11. I still have a thing for Matchbox 20. Really don't think I could do movie and music, because I'm far less into those areas than some people here. I'll have to think on book. surely there's something on my shelves.
  12. I sold my collector's edition of Catherine a couple years ago. All in all, this looks like a typical Phaseknox list.
  13. I don’t have endless stores of compassion. Some people just make the world a worse place. I can’t and don’t feel bad for everyone.
  14. Dis is fun. Stupid spider throat fuckers. That unsettled me more than Nemesis.
  15. Finished it tonight. It was mostly good, but I didn't like it as much as the prior seasons. Alucard's story was the biggest disappointment.
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