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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I bought soooo many turnips today. My first time. I'll be keeping a watch for you guys to post prices. I hope this doesn't backfire.
  2. I love arguing with my hardcore libertarian friend who is against abortion. I like to tell him he's so against big government that his view works since he wants the government so small that it fits into my uterus.
  3. I just found out Nightwish released a new album last week. Listened to it once so far, I like it. I gotta listen to an album a few times to really get an appreciation for it, though.
  4. First episode watched, ugh, this shit is infuriating.
  5. Started The Whisper Man by Alex North last night. Got back to Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe, too.
  6. Got our stimulus check today, it's already gone to the mortgage. Ready to have this fucker paid off.
  7. Probably right on that, but I find the Batman games memorable because I'm a fan of the character and enjoyed the stories and environments more. One of the few games I replay.
  8. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is another. I wasn't enamored by it and I honestly forgot that I played it until my husband mentioned it when I was telling him about this thread.
  9. I liked RE0. Not as much as the others, but it was solid. Played it on Gamecube back then. I have the PC version, but I never got around to playing it like I did the REmake.
  10. I've gotten back into gaming In the last couple weeks, but I think that's more to do with Animal Crossing releasing than the pandemic. Since my work schedule hasn't changed and I never go out just a ton anyway, my hobbies haven't really been affected.
  11. Been struggling to get into the books I listed previously, though I am about 2/3 through the Witcher book. I decided to shift gears and read A Good Neighborhood by Therese Anne Fowler. It's pretty heavy handed but it's an easy and quick read.
  12. I want a remake of Code Veronica first, dammit. RE4 still holds up pretty well. I just played it last year on PC and it looked decent and other than the lack of shooting while moving, it plays really well. I'll still buy a remake, but it's less needed than a remake of CV right now.
  13. My friend found a used one for his son. Problem was, it’s from a mom selling her kid’s system and she was marketing it to him with the games already on it. Had to explain that’s a bad idea since the games are tied to your account, so she shouldn’t be factoring downloaded games into the price. sheesh.
  14. Try 0, it’s cheap. I thought I’d love it, but I couldn’t get interested. It felt more like a chore and for me, beat em ups are better as short, 2D games.
  15. Ended up deciding to try Devil May Cry 4. Bought it on a Steam sale a while back. Never really played this series, so why not?
  16. Yeah, I really hope some of this stuff is coming in updates and DLC. As much fun as I'm having, taking good features out really is a bummer.
  17. I'm still having fun and I appreciate a lot of the additions they made to this one, but it's really disappointing that they took so much out from the prior game. Shops are missing, I don't think you get all the upgrades to the Nook store, and some other stuff I'm blanking on now. But one of the biggest annoyance is that the ordinances are gone. Since I'm a night shifter, it was nice being able to change the shop hours. I don't get it. Why take away great features?
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