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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. True. But most people are irrational and hate them. I do everything I can to educate people so they won't kill them. Nature is mostly amazing.
  2. Yes, I know. I can read. For all intents and purposes, hornets are the same as wasps, just a lot bigger. And often more aggressive. So if I already hate wasps, then naturally, I hate hornets. I also am terrified of spiders, but I leave them alone, so long as they're out of my way. I'll pick up snakes all day long, I get super excited when I find one. But put a spider on me or have wasps buzzing nearby and I freak.
  3. Galaxy was the one one of those I got at release. The rest, I picked up a year or two later. I was probably played a lot of retro stuff back the. That was early in my collecting days.
  4. I couldn't tell you what other games released in 2007. AC2 came out two years later. If I recall, I binged the Ezio trilogy and III the Summer before Black Flag came out. Kinda nuts I did that looking back.
  5. Nah, that game holds up. Still creeps me out and one of my all time favorite games.
  6. I've beaten every main game(as in, I didn't mess with the portable spinoffs. It's hard for me to rank them in order. But I didn't hate Unity. I didn't play it right away, since it had so many performance issues, but after some patches, I went through it and I liked it. Arno was a bit of a dull character(not as dull as Connor, though.) And that was the game where the formula started to change some, so I appreciated that. My favorites are Odyssey, Origins, the Ezio trilogy, and Black Flag. Bottom picks are AC1 and III.
  7. You sounds like one of those assholes who says shit like "only good snake is a dead snake." I play with snakes, btw. That said, these fuckers need to die. I already hate regular wasps.
  8. Well, damn, a lot happened in the first four episodes. Wonder what's going to happen the rest of the season.
  9. Origins was amazing. I was getting tired of the series, but then I played that one and I loved it again. Odyssey expanded on the formula, so I think it's the better game, but I completely loved exploring Ancient Egypt.
  10. If this was posted early, forgive me, but I don't think it's gotten much traction yet. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/26/us/ahmed-arbery-shooting-georgia.html
  11. Anyone still have turnips they need to sell? My husband's island is buying at 605. I get get a Dodo Code.
  12. Best is probably Odyssey, though I prefer the setting of Ancient Egypt more. Worst is the first game. I was so excited to play it, especially for the setting and time period and it ended up being mediocre and boring. AC III is pretty close, though. I’ll always have a serious fondness for the Ezio trilogy, though.
  13. I’m so ready to binge this tomorrow. First episode had me hooked. least it’s slow enough at work tonight that I can get a little reading on Lords of the North.
  14. That’s pretty much my stance. No woman is waiting until 35 weeks and changing her mind. Late term abortions are almost always in cases where there’s a catastrophic condition.
  15. And I agree with your argument. I made the same argument, too. Which is why I understand the moral objection that some people have to it. But banning it doesn’t make sense, because you’re causing so much harm to countless people by doing so. It’s fine to be personally against it. Don’t have an abortion. fetal pain is a disputed area, but I think it’s safe to say at the stage where the overwhelming number of abortions are performed, the fetus can’t feel pain. I’ve only ever read dubious studies to suggest that.
  16. Developmentally delayed(don’t use the R-word) people are self aware. They can feel pain. Same goes for toddlers. It gets a little murky with people in persistent vegetative states, but I also took the side of Terri Schaivo’s husband in that case. again, I will always put the rights of a sentient human adult over a fetus that isn’t self aware, can’t feel pain, and can’t survive outside its host.
  17. And that's where I can't help but say bullshit. A fetus has zero sense of self awareness. It can't grant permission, it's not even aware of anything going on. I'm always going to put the rights of the sentient woman over a fetus that has no sense of being and can't even survive without acting as a parasite on the woman's body. So that's a nonstarter for me. Then there's the amazing argument of "you can't ban guns, people will always be able to get guns illegally." But banning abortion works? You literally put the lives of women in danger by banning abortion, because a desperate woman will do anything to obtain one. We saw that before Roe and no telling how many women died from attempting it themselves or seeking out unsafe, backroom practitioners/butchers.
  18. I never can get a satisfactory argument from my libertarian friend on why he's for banning abortion. He wants to protect innocent life, but adamantly for unlimited gun access that takes innocent lives every day. In that case, he seems to put the liberty of people above all, don't infringe on their rights by taking away guns, even if people are dying. I guess that same liberty for gun owners doesn't extend to me having control over my own body. I will never buy the "pro-life" arguments.
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