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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Yeah, if it smaller amounts, I give them to people. But I made @Triage pay me for the 170k kitchen island she wanted me to send her!
  2. Me! I can’t be on tonight but I can get you bells at some point soon. I’ve got over 8 million in the bank.
  3. Never underestimate the power religion holds over a lot of people. My aunt votes purely based on a candidates' stance on abortion and gay rights. Never mind the fact she's never held a paying job her entire life due to a disability, thus she's always relied on the government, her parents, and her church. She'll vote against her own interests because she thinks people like me want to murder babies and gay people are an abomination who deserve no rights. Also, LBJ's word still hold true today. Just add in brown people: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
  4. Like, I'd just asked the person if they required payment for each trip, she replied, "no, you're good." and as soon as I got on my flight out, I got booted. I'd wait for this board this week, but I'm about to have a crappy work schedule and may not have time after tonight.
  5. I'm waiting in line to offload turnips now. I got kicked out of one queue after selling my first batch, so I had to find another to join.
  6. I've not been able tog et past the first two episodes of this. Maybe I'll try again, but it's too cringey.
  7. Live around these fanatically religious and racist people and it's not hard to see why at all.
  8. Just finished the last episode. I like how it ended, fairly conclusive and bittersweet. Looking forward to the next season, but I've got 9 more books in the series to catch up on until then!
  9. Excellent, I’ll definitely be picking these up in the future.
  10. Finished Lords of the North, still a great time, despite having watched the show. Speaking of Mr. Cornwell, have any of you read his other books? @EternallDarkness, @Mercury33, @Emblazon, and any other Last Kingdom fans I'm forgetting. I'm interested in his Warlord Chronicles series. Now starting The Templars by Dan Jones. I'm in a medieval mood and want some nonfiction.
  11. Australia also has almost no deaths from snakebites. A couple per year. The availability of antivenin has ensured that.
  12. Arizona most definitely has plenty of rattlesnakes, lol. A lot of different species. And they’re the easiest to identify.
  13. I’m sure there’s a snake ID group for your state on FB. It’s one of the few reasons I keep FB. I’ve learned a ton from them. It’s helped me educate others from needlessly killing snakes, too.
  14. Then I guess in that unlikely scenario, you’d get bitten. It doesn’t really matter. Education and caution go a looooong way.
  15. Like, literally half a dozen people in the US die from snakebite each year. And most snakebites are from idiots trying to kill the snake. If you’re smart and leave them alone, you’ll be fine. And the few species of venomous snakes in the US are easy to identify with a bit of research. But people are fucking stupid.
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