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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I dunno what I was missing, but that movie bored me to death.
  2. K, hurry over, I was actually about to turn it off and go to the real outdoors. He's in the neighborhood, top right.
  3. Shit, reading your post, I just realized it’s the second game the list mentions. shows how dull I found it.
  4. Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about quarters at home. The controls make no sense. No matter what you do, you’ve got about a 30% chance at a successful grapple on the boss and that’s the only way you can deal any real damage to them. I think this one is going to the chopping block. Least he can get back more than he paid for it. I think we’re finally going to start the Metal Slug series today. He bought them all on MVS years ago, but I’ve never gotten him to sit down and play them with me.
  5. Just did a co-op run of King of the Monsters 2 on Neo Geo(MVS). Never played that one before and the husband had bought it based on nostalgia. That will not be going on my list of favorite beat ‘em ups.
  6. Tack on Streets of Rage 4. Co-op. Beat the main story, but I’ll be going back for more.
  7. I liked AC Unity, but it’s about in the middle of the series for me. Shadow of Mordor was okay, but too repetitive without an interesting story or varied environments. I don’t care at all about the rest of that list.
  8. Celeste is visiting, but there doesn't seem to be a shower. I still got a flying saucer DIY ,so I'm happy.
  9. I missed that list earlier this year. 11 to 18 days to read each of those books? I've only read the first two so far but it’s only taken me less than a week to reach each of them and that was me going slow while also reading other books.
  10. I decided to try the Paper Mario series after reading the announcement for the newest game. Where better to start than the first? I haven’t turned on my N64 in years, it feels weird holding the controller in my hands.
  11. Still working my way through The Templars, but I’m over halfway there. Also reading The Carrow Haunt by Darcy Coates. I really have enjoyed her ghost story novels for the most part.
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