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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Since you're here rarely and this thread has gone way off topic at this point, you still do retro games?
  2. Oh, you should definitely play the expansions, they were fantastic. I did pretty much everything in the game and it took me 134 hours, according to Steam.
  3. Honestly, as much as I love Witcher 3(it's in my top 3 of all time), there are too many other games out there for me to sink another 130 or more hours into it again.
  4. I decided to read Lock Every Door by Riley Sager. It should be a quick easy read before I move on to the heavier stuff and I wanted to read this one before my June BOTM pops up. If I like Sager, I may get one of his other books on BOTM.
  5. Done some Animal Crossing earlier, probably going to play Metal Slug X on MVS later tonight and maybe some Paper Mario on N64 if I got time.
  6. I'm still on the fence about FF VII. It does actually look good, but I've got so many RPGs to play that I already own, it's hard for me to justify this one. I'm sure it'll go down to $20 soon enough and I'll pick it up and feel less guilty.
  7. Phew, blew through Natchez Burning quickly. I would have done it faster, if not for working three straight. It's almost 800 pages and the other two in the trilogy are just as long. Debating on if I wanna go right into the next one, because I'm dying to know how goes. Or maybe I'll read something a bit lighter before that. I think for tonight, I'm just going to continue to read All But My Life, since it's gotten a bit neglected this week.
  8. Astrology is bullshit, so I never bothered to learn it. I didn’t know mine or my husband’s signs until fairly recently when a coworker tried to give me a lesson. According to them, we shouldn’t be compatible. Anyhoo, my gates are open for the time being if anyone wants to see Celeste.
  9. I got Celeste tonight. She gave me a Gemini closet recipe. I don't know my astrology, didn't know it ha changed from Taurus, lol.
  10. Yeah, I got through Salem's Lot pretty quickly. It took me 4 months to read IT, but I kept putting it down and reading something else in between, because it did lag at times. Overall, I really liked it, though. I read it on Kindle, so no issues holding such a fat book. It's weird. Some books, I fly through in days. I'm reading an 800 page Greg Ilse novel now and I'd have finished it in 3 days if work didn't factor in. I started it Monday and I'll be done most likely tomorrow, when I'm off.
  11. Yes! I got into him around two years ago and I've still got a ton of his stuff go through. I really like a lot of what I've read, though. The Stand is sitting on my shelf, but after reading IT, I'm a bit intimidated by the size.
  12. They won’t test unless we show symptoms. Hopefully I’ll be fine, but I’m not going to lose sleep worrying at this point.
  13. Bah, so we had a positive patient over weekend on my unit. I wasn’t here that night, but my coworkers who did work with the patient are testing positive. One just left sick earlier tonight and her rapid came back positive and I’ve worked with her the past two nights.
  14. Played through Metal Slug on MVS with the spouse tonight. First time playing one of those games. T'was fun. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch) Resident Evil 3 remake (PC) Devil May Cry 4 (PC) Streets of Rage 4 (Switch) King of the Monsters 2 (Neo Geo MVS) Metal Slug (NEo Geo MVS)
  15. My boxed VB is worth more than what I pad for it. So...maybe you're right!
  16. Finished both books I mentioned earlier. current reads: Fiction - Natchez Burning by Greg Iles nonfiction - All But My Life by Gerda Weissmann Klein
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