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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Sometimes I kinda of forget about my collection because I'm not buying stuff like I used to. But then it hits me and I'm all like "I love this shit" and go oogle my game room downstairs.
  2. Hey, we haven't talked in ages. People change. I didn't know if you still cared.
  3. Yeah, we had a Japanese boxed AES at one point. Kept it for a while, but it became kind of pointless after the Omega was released. That's what we place MVS games on. And spending a few hundred on the MVS Metal Slug games was a helluva lot easier to stomach than the $10k or so it'd take to get them all on AES.
  4. That's what I meant. I'm no good with all the mods and stuff. That's the husband's territory. But I'm good with history and current values. But most people here don't seem to give a damn about retro stuff. I don't know of anyone else here with the arcade stuff and all that.
  5. And the obligatory Neo Geo cab after he restored it: https://imgur.com/a/bklyU Old pics on an older phone of his, but you get the idea.
  6. You're up there. I'm not as knowledgeable on the tech aspects as, say @chakoo , but I probably have the most extensive collection here.
  7. Yes, yes it is. And I wouldn't have it without my ultra geeky husband. I'd probably be playing retro games on composite, lol.
  8. There's an MSX and X68000, too. Those are more his babies, though.
  9. We have pretty much every system worth a damn. All Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and PC Engine systems. All RGB modded and we have SD loaders in place of disc drives to preserve the life of the disc systems.
  10. You want to design something better? Because these guys have put in a ton of work. Once it's set up, it's easy to switch out boards. We get it out when we have friends over to play 3 and 4 player stuff. Beat em ups are my favorite, though he does have a couple fighting games.
  11. Thanks. Imgur was being stupid. I had to log out and log back in before it would let me see my private images.
  12. Ah, I have this old pic. Gives the general idea. There’s no way this can be pretty. That’s why we just get it out only when we want to binge some arcade stuff. https://imgur.com/a/mPAna Well, fuck, it won't let me embed for some stupid reason. But you can still click and it's there.
  13. I mean, you can search it. It’s not exactly pretty. It’s just a bunch of boards and connectors and a power brick. I don’t have ours set up now, so I can’t really show you one of my own.
  14. So you can play the actual arcade game and not an inferior console port? It’s literally just connecting the board to your TV instead of the cabinet screen.
  15. https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/332-home-arcade-system/
  16. Yeah, that’s how our cab is set up. But he almost never uses it. It’s more a novelty and conversation piece. The couch is more comfortable.
  17. Home. Couch. Controller. Free play. No quarters, just at home, arcade perfect bliss.
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