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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. He hunts and raises animals for food and he loves Jesus. Unless there's something else I'm not aware of. Personally, I never found him to have done anything terrible. He's come off a bit ignorant at times, but whatever. Just made me prefer Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth a little more than I already did.
  2. Ah, yes. This one. I forgot about it because I only played 3 hours or so.
  3. I'll have to think on this, because I generally don't play stuff I don't like. Can't think of anything off the top of my head from this gen that I hated. But I'm more selective these days.
  4. Kinda funny, husband just started listing his GG stuff for sale this week. System is pretty much shit.
  5. The nurses testing us are in full gear. I did cough a little, couldn’t help it. I felt I did good to keep my hands down, really.
  6. I got tested this morning after my shift. I still feel like the back of my eyeball was poked. Didn't scream, but I let out a low "hrrrrrnnnggghhhhh" the entire time with my nails digging into my palms. 15 seconds of pure torture. May I never have to do that again.
  7. https://neareport.com/2020/05/31/47178/?fbclid=IwAR39eG8_Xaw4VA_dPP2UGYHFQ2JfNw05duOIIvVgf2Hfs8chzRvUFdpQH7A Asshole in my state is being charged with aggravated assault because he sped past some protestors, one kicked at his SUV, he screeches to a stop and confronts them with an AR. Oh, but people are saying he had a right to protect his property. What kinda fucking pansy-ass bitch shit is that where you grab a fucking assault rifle over someone kicking at your vehicle?
  8. It's been spreading. This was the second patient on my unit to have it and we didn't know it. Multiple staff members got it from that first patient, so they could have easily spread it to this one. The COVID unit at my hospital is on lockdown. It's consumed an entire floor and those staff don't go to other units and no one is allowed up there. I don't believe all those rooms are negative pressure, because that would be absurd for most hospitals. I'd taken care of this patient for days prior to showing symptoms, so yes, I've definitely been exposed. I'm just hoping my mask was enough. So far so good.
  9. Phew, while I loved your whole post, I'm just gonna highlight the reply to me. I did read later on how King himself doesn't like Dreamcatcher. While I wished I'd have read some of his better works earlier, I'm just glad I gave him another chance. I don't want to read all his books, but I'm really enjoying going through parts of his catalog. I've also got a couple Joe Hill books I need to read.
  10. I had my first COVID patient last week. The person had been inpatient for 10 days, so they contracted it while in the hospital. Symptoms started up, I pushed to get them tested. Since we aren't the COVID unit, we don't have the PPE the actual unit has, just simple masks. So far, I've had no symptoms, but I'll be getting tested Tuesday after work. I really can't get tested on the weekends unless I'm symptomatic and go to the ED.
  11. I don't think a lot of these games were all that hated.
  12. Nah, didn't hear much good about it and I'm not much into PSP collecting. I liquidated a lot of that collection and got the games I liked digitally for Vita. Oh, opposite of pickups, husband sold our copy of King of Monsters 2 for MVS. That game was shiiiiiit.
  13. That, I could almost get behind. Except the kid. But Trump is merely a symptom of the problem. Not that I would be upset if he had a massive coronary...
  14. Not sure how that invalidates my point, but yes, that is horrible. My point was that bmbmbm said there was no violence, just "a few(at best)" stores being burned, which isn't violence, just property damage. Then one video of rioters beating a man gets posted. Then a guy steals a gun and fires it indiscriminately. To say there's no violence outside of the police is incredibly naive.
  15. I mean, I agree with essentially all of that. thanks for elaborating some instead of just "abolish police." We kind of need them, unlike ICE.
  16. Sooo, if we abolish the police, who do we call for protection? Most of you guys are for a complete gun ban, so if police aren't here to protect us, then what? Like I said, the system is rotten and needs reform, but what does the populace do without police entirely?
  17. I'm just glad I'm not working tonight and I live far away from downtown. I'm seeing photos of police breaking out the tear gas here.
  18. I mean, my statement did contain a bit of hyperbole, but the general attitude here is a bit discomforting. At the end of the day, I'm more concerned with out of control police thinking it's fine and dandy to murder a man in broad daylight, with witnesses filming and pleading him to get off, rather than a Target or Apple Store being looted.
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