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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Felt my eyes get a bit watery and when I spoke at the end, my voice was rather hoarse. Powerful.
  2. I wonder how many stars you can get from these showers. Like, I've probably hit 50 stars so far, but how mmany fragments can I get tomorrow?
  3. Yeah, Jesus washed his disciples' feet, Mary Magdalene washed Jesus' feet with her hair, yada yada. There was a lot of foot washing going on back then.
  4. I ain't washing nobody's feet unless I'm at work and getting paid. Of course, I wipe asses at work, but at least the money is good...
  5. Ohhh, I didn't realize the final book was this year. I'm only through 4 currently. Need to get on it.
  6. While I love reading to learn and better myself, sometimes it's good just to read for pure fun. Not everything has to be educational. Most importantly, read what you enjoy. I'm just glad people read.
  7. I've never had an issue with Hulu on my PC, but just watch it on your TV. I actually didn't know you were a reader of any significance, though.
  8. Thanks for the extensive post, @skillzdadirecta. Gonna have to read it again at some point, it was a lot to take in. I'll watch those videos when I get a chance, too. I actually have a couple James Baldwin books on my shelf I need to get to.
  9. Caught up on all fish and bugs until July. I'm determined to complete my critterpedia with this game.
  10. For my nonfiction, I'm finally getting around to reading Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson. It's sat on my shelf for the past two years, so I was overdue. I expect this won't be a speedy read, but that's okay. That's what fiction is for.
  11. Yeah, i'm surprised he took it that far. I mean, good on him for doing the right thing, but I question his motives. If you're just now realizing it was never about the flag, you were never paying attention in the first place.
  12. I'm just really bothered that it was an elderly man. This week, I had a patient in her 90s who kicked me in the stomach and while I was squatted next to her bed, trying to silence the alarm, she lashed out at my face, catching my eye with her nails, knocking my glasses askew, and made me fall on my ass. She tried to hit me every time we attempted to do anything with her. Was I angry? Yeah. But, I also took care not to hurt her while I was restraining her, because she was old and her bones felt like they'd snap if I put much pressure on them at all. Like, if I'd physically retaliated against any patient who disrespected me or physically assaulted me, my career would have ended 10 years ago, when it had just begun. Medical staff deal with difficult and potentially dangerous people on a daily basis. We can't beat the shit out of them.
  13. Fair enough. I know a guy who patrols the north side of the metro I live in. He's nationally known for his work with the black community in his area and he's spoken up now and he's spoken before this. He's just a patrol guy, but if more were like him, then it wouldn't be so bad. On the other hand, my aunt's ex-husband is a state trooper. Dunno what he's like on the job, but I remember him being nothing more than an arrogant prick personally, so I wouldn't have much faith if I ever saw him a work.
  14. You think we haven't been over this enough that I don't already know this?
  15. Started The Bone Tree by Greg Iles. It's part two of the trilogy I started last month.
  16. Oh, they're also having us wear face shields now when in contact with any patient. Thanks for the safety, but, damn, I feel like I'm breathing like Darth Vader under all this shit and the damn thing fogs up soooo bad. We had another positive case on my unit this week, a patient I admitted last week, the same night as my exposure. They were asymptomatic, but it's being required that every patient gets tested before transferring to another medical facility.
  17. wtf, no? About the old man being shoved. I don't know which part was the worst. Him being shoved and bleeding as soon as his head hit the pavement or the one cop starting to bend down to assist and his colleague yanking him back up and the rest walking past or the fact the fucking department put out a statement, saying the guy tripped and fell. Again, I'm not going to say all cops are bad, because I know good ones. If more cops were like them, then the system wouldn't be so rotten. But fuck this system we have now and fuck the bad ones in it.
  18. What in the actual fucking fuck. I'm fucking shaking from anger right now.
  19. Employee health called me this afternoon to tell me my test was negative. I figured it probably was, but it's nice to have confirmation.
  20. Hahaha https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/06/04/man-who-drew-bow-arrow/
  21. Eh, I don’t see anything really horrible coming from him, so I won’t rag on the guy much. Still prefer the other Chrises.
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