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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. My last three days, I was desperate for a break from humanity. It's been nice, retreating to the safety of my home, with books and video games and a spouse who isn't insane.
  2. I'm guessing he's talking about the Left Behind addition. Not really a full game, though, but that's the only thing that makes any sense. But it was only around two hours.
  3. I do see your point. And I'm still human, so it's hard for me to always maintain decorum around garbage humans.
  4. It's about what the statue depicts. Roosevelt still has numerous honors throughout the museum and even his descendants support the removal of this statue in particular.
  5. Maybe it's just my field, but I do have a modicum of discomfort about mocking people for health issues or disabilities.
  6. Sooooo, I guess no one has any examples of when being shitty to a shitty person got that person to not be shitty? To be clear, I have no sympathy for Trump, I’m just challenging the silly idea this tactic actually works. Of course, if anyone were to provide evidence, I’d take that into account.
  7. After the first few times, it starts to feel like those overly long battle animations in the PS1 Final Fantasy games. Just. Get. It. Over. With.
  8. Also, like I said in the original version of this thread, post digital sales. It's stupid not to. Especially when games like AC sell a shit ton digitally.
  9. Ultimately, I don't think I'm going to come away greatly affected by this game. It's really pretty, with cool environments and solid combat. I don't think I'm going to take any profound message from it, though.
  10. Uhh, no. Hell, my dad mounted my scope on my rifle because he was the one who ordered it(got a better deal where his buddy worked). After that, there isn't much else to do. I'm not a gun nut.
  11. I don't really see what the big deal is with gun upgrade animations. First couple times were neat, I guess, after that I want to be done quickly.
  12. One of my coworkers, who initially refused to get tested after exposure, came to work days later with all the classic symptoms: fever, sore throat, headache, no taste or smell. Even still, she tried to resist getting tested and didn't want to leave. She wasn't given an option and sure enough, she's positive and has been out for three weeks now. May be something to do with it, she's a devoted Trump fan and went to the casino the weekend prior to getting sick(after she was exposed and refused to be tested at first). She said it wouldn't matter if she tested positive. Uhhhh?
  13. I'm still not sold on this. Maybe when it's cheap. But then I'll get it and never open it like I have HZD.
  14. One thing that pisses me off is when I arbitrarily can't go back to search an area after triggering a cutscene. I was in a hotel, exploring and I opened a door that triggered a cutscene. I still had other areas to explore in the building, but after the scene was finished I couldn't go back through the door I'd just entered, despite the fact there was nothing to block that door. So I get out of the hotel, which is fenced in, thinking I'll just circle back to where I entered, but that's no longer possible, either. I'd had to climb a dumpster to get over the fence and the dumpster had somehow magically been thrown across a curb. So I missed out on supplies and collectibles for no discernible reason. Ugh.
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