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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Dixie Chicks are great and I don’t even like country music much. They’re pretty progressive, always have been. Lynyrd Skynyrd is the one I have issues with. I like a lot of their music, but they still use confederate imagery in all their stuff. They tried to back off several years ago, but fans raged and they went back to their “its about state’s rights and heritage” bullshit. Tuesday’s Gone will always be one of my favorite songs, though.
  2. I know this will come as a shock, but a lot of people hold shitty views. It’s kind of impossible to fire them all from their jobs. Especially when they work in essential areas. This cunt was just stupid for posting a video.
  3. I'm not surprised, just disappointed. People are stupid and mob mentality is taking over. People do research? Hah! Most people won't even read a damn book.
  4. Seems like it got louder with one or two games, I’m thinking possibly Days Gone? I don’t play it regularly enough to notice, really. I’ll try to listen more closely when I play the game next time, but either it’s just been fairly quiet or I’m just more focused on the game and it drowns out the fan anyway.
  5. So have people just gone completely stupid? Mob mentality takeover that means all statues are bad?
  6. It’s going to be strange watching baseball with all these restrictions in place.
  7. Also, are there even any Jesus statues on government property? I don’t care if they’re in churches or whatever.
  8. Right down to when he impregnated a 13 year old when he was 20. Then didn’t acknowledge the kid for a couple decades. I loved Malone and Stockton when I was a kid. Finding out how awful Malone actually was ruined my childhood memories.
  9. Playing on normal and there's an overabundance of supplies. I don't use my guns often, just in areas where there are a lot of enemies. I can stealth through a lot of the game, but with a dozen enemies or more, I usually end up getting discovered and have to blast my way out. I still have more than enough ammo, though.
  10. Just realized before bed here that this was the first day I hadn’t play the game since it launched. Whoops.
  11. Almost 13 hours in. I’m bummed I have to work the next three nights, which means I won’t get to play it again until Friday. Just no time when you’re doing back to back to back 12 hour shifts. It'll definitely be one of my favorites from this generation, but I enjoyed the pacing and story better with the first game thus far. This is a game I play slowly. Don’t want to miss stuff, so I try to explore everything, though I still get pissed when I unknowingly advance and It prevents me from going back to collect stuff I missed.
  12. Yeah, I know. I was always under the impression much of the Jewish community leans to the left, outside of smaller ultra-orthodox sects.
  13. Well, duh. I just keep seeing that specifically pointed out, as if there's something particularly egregious about that. I didn't know if there was more to it. I haven't followed the controversy, really all I know is from this place.
  14. Exactly! I think Roosevelt himself is problematic in a lot of ways, looking through the lens of today. But I still have a ton of respect for a lot of great things he did and love reading about the guy.
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