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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Like Breaking Bad. These shows need to have an end game. Walking Dead should have met theirs years ago.
  2. I finally got around to this show earlier this year. It's great. Wasn't expecting it to end this soon, though. I figured they'd go for another 2-3 seasons. I grew up around the Ozarks, a lot of this hits home for me.
  3. Done my Animal Crossing stuff, it'll be The Last of Us Part II later tonight.
  4. That's just sad. I knew this stuff from childhood, just from reading. It's not like I grew up around bears.
  5. AC Origins. It's long, but not nearly as long as Odyssey. I did everything in the main game, all side stuff and finished in 67 hours. I put over double that time into Odyssey.
  6. I forget model numbers. Some ASUS 28" 1440p monitor from around 2012 for my PC. TCL 55" 4K for consoles. Oh, and a coupel of Sony PVMs, on a 13", used for testing, the other a 20" at my husband's desk with various retro consoles connected. And he bought some really high end new 25" CRT a couple years ago for retro gaming in the game room. Built a custom case for it and all. I don't use it much, but damn, most of the retro stuff looks really sharp on it.
  7. My reading has definitely slowed down since The Last of Us released. Still working on Battle Cry of Freedom, about halfway through it. Also reading White Fragility by Robin Diangelo. Figured I'd start with it before moving on to other anti-racism materials. I think for my next novel, I'm gonna do Home Before Dark by Riley Sager.
  8. So this happened in my city over the weekend. I've yet to start going back out in public. https://katv.com/news/local/brawl-reported-at-little-rock-restaurant-over-social-distancing-coughing?fbclid=IwAR1yZC3b5zaHoJBm_3kr-cWm71KM5kWLuTgiTsiybJ7z2l55A5j1W8YSBXc Video is pretty crazy. Seems to be disputed as to who cough on who, but it seems like a fact that the white man decided to be antagonistic and moved closer to the black couple after he was asked to back up and observe the social distancing guidelines.
  9. Why in God’s name does the system keep removing my HDR and surround sound settings? Really annoying having to redo this shit all the time.
  10. Yep. I've kinda been craving one lately, but I just want a can. The damn vending machine at work is sold out every time. Booo. As far as other sodas go, I really, really like the new Dr Pepper with cream soda. Soooo good. Orange Vanilla Coke is great, too. I did buy some of those for home, but I'm going through them slowly. Like one or two a month, lol.
  11. I can’t think of a single instance like you’ve described. Just bought some retro games for dirt cheap I wouldn’t have if they’d been market value.
  12. I like regular Mountain Dew, but I rarely drink it. Maybe a few times a year. I cut back on soda, it’s more of an occasional indulgence.
  13. I don't recall that from past games, but that's cool. It was kind fun chopping down several money trees. Just bummed it'll be a few days before my next one.
  14. So far, all but one of my coworkers are back. One just got a diagnosis last week, so she'll be out for a while. The others were out for over a month. All but one have made good recoveries. One is still kind of sapped. She's 53 and two he her kids got it and recovered quickly, but she's still getting short of breath easily. She came back to work this week and did okay, but you can tell she's not her usual self.
  15. I'm going to respond to you just this once. I don't care what you call me. Any insult you throw at me means nothing. I'd have to actually give a shit about you to care. I do ask that you stop harassing me through my phone. Your mentions are easily ignored on discord and here, but leave my personal devices alone. I'll always keep blocking the numbers you use, so I hope you're bored of that. I don't know what your obsession is with me, but I'm not interested. I lost interest in conversing with you years ago and that won't change. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've given you any acknowledgement in over a year. I'm just not that into you, sorry. Feel free to respond with whatever petty, unoriginal insult I'm sure you'll inevitably come up with, deny sending me harassing text messages, whatever, but this is a one and done.
  16. We seem to have lost a lot of good users over the years.
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