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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Fair chance I get this at some point. It really is brain dead comfort food. I really liked 3 and 4, skipped Primal, was excited for 5 initially, but they toned down the political stuff and it was fun enough to play because I did put the most time into it, but by the end, I was ready to be done and it had a crap ending. I never played the smaller spinoff, like Blood Dragon or that one for 5.
  2. Ah, that's what my mom's FB repost was about last night. She's really been going off the deep end lately. I liked it better when most of her posts were of her outdoor excursions.
  3. I like both perspectives, but prefer third person. VII was amazing, though, and I can’t wait for VIII.
  4. I’m going to start The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett if I get a chance tonight. I'm at 50 books on the year, but I’ve e not read as much the last couple weeks.
  5. I did have crawfish a few times this season. Picked it up from a local place and took it home.
  6. Oysters. Haven’t had them at all this year. I miss eating in restaurants.
  7. After TLOU, I'm in a bigger gaming mood, so this is kind of appealing to me more right now. I'm gonna wait for some reviews, but I may very well end up getting this.
  8. I'm having trouble figuring out who some of these people are, they look so different out of character. Took me til almost the end of the video to recognize Aldhelm.
  9. I’ve had fried snapping turtle, it’s not bad.
  10. Hell, I’m a woman and I pretty much never cry at books, movies, shows, games, etc. A few things have caused my eyes to get a bit watery, but that’s usually real life stuff. Like a few parts in Ken Burns’ Vietnam War series. I’m just not much of a crier.
  11. I found all the benches and safes and manuals. Just several artifacts and coins/cards and a few journal entries. Don't know if you're aware, but the chapter selection shows your completion on those things.
  12. I finished in just over 34. Did you miss many collectibles? I did, compared to how thoroughly I searched. I missed like 9 coins in that first chapter alone.
  13. I liked I liked ALBW just a bit better, but they're both really good.
  14. I don't put anything on chili. Just dip saltines in it. I make mine with deer burger and I have beans in it. I didn't realize it was a thing for some people to not put beans in chili. The fuck?
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