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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the modern vehicle design meant to absorb the impact from a collision, making them safe than the giant steel traps of yesteryear?
  2. I'm determined to wrap up Battle Cry of Freedom on my two weeks off. I've got around 170 pages left. It's really good, just dense, long books like that tend to take me a while. For my next novel, I'm going to read The Orphan's Tale by Pam Jenoff. Haven't read a WWII fiction in a bit.
  3. So I rarely drink, but I just started a two week staycation and I was in the mood for a beer. Went for a local craft brewery with this one. It's pretty good!
  4. I was pretty wiped out last night, so I didn’t play much, but the opening was pretty cool. I think I’m gonna like this.
  5. It’s been a while since I talked to him, but I’m quite certain it’s not him. If nothing else, Kab was always genuine.
  6. I guess I’m just not completely convinced that a dude who likes hockey and trucks is the same person over and over.
  7. I haven't gone back far enough to see how trucks got into this thread, but I don't think I'll ever buy another car again. But I've never felt the need for a huge truck. Sure, the new GMCs look really nice, but I don't have a practical need for one. My midsized Colorado does everything I need to do. Same as my Frontier before that.
  8. Are some of you guys sitting right next to your system when playing? I never once noticed the fan on my Pro while playing TLOU. Guess I’ll try to listen for it when I start Ghosts of Tsushima later tonight.
  9. VGPC has a marketplace now. I actually got Deep Duck Trouble for a good price there last year.
  10. I mean, a lot of prices have spiked since the pandemic, but they’re actually selling at those prices. The prices listed here are just out of the range of even the current spikes.
  11. The only relevance Nick Cannon ever had for me was Nickelodeon around the time I was getting too old for Nickelodeon.
  12. I mean, if you checked eBay, then you'd know you're charging double or more for Marvel vs Capcom. Looking at sold listings. That's just one. A ton of your games are well over market value.
  13. I looked up that one and I recognized the female vocals, but that's all. I YouTube'd a few other songs on the top results of my search and other that Gold Digger, none of them were remotely familiar.
  14. I'm off Friday morning for 13 in a row. Was supposed to be in NYC, but covid. Husband gonna go pick up my copy on his lunch, he'll have it installed by the time I wake up. So I'll get some good playtime with this.
  15. I played all the games, including the handheld games when they first came out...on handheld. Ascension was the only one I never finished, but I played most of it before hitting a brick wall. I second the others in saying II is the best of the series. The PS4 game is so different and so good, I recommend you start there, as the originals can burn you out if you play them all back to back. But they're still very much worth playing in time.
  16. Why even use the quotation marks? They were anti-semitic remarks. Period. Full stop.
  17. Deservedly so. It's written in a beautiful style and hits a lot of heavy topics: racism, colorism(I think that's the closest term), gender identity, there was some really good relationships, some complex ones. It just hit a lot of high notes. I think it'll end up high on the list for BOTY finalists.
  18. Well, The Vanishing Half is currently my 2020 BOTY. Excellent read. Now starting The Shadows by Alex North.
  19. Years ago, my family went out to dinner for my grandparents' 45th anniversary. I was eating spicy crawfish and when I cracked open the shell on one, some of the juice shot directly into my eyeball. Oh, god, I'll never forget how awful that was. We were sitting a ways off from the bathroom and my husband(we'd been dating for a couple years at that point) had to guide me down the steps to a bathroom. I couldn't see. My eyes were streaming. Had to stand there and flush them for a good 10 minutes or so. Took a while to really recover. Thankfully, it didn't destroy mt love for crawfish, though!
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