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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. As much as I loved God of War, I gave up on the next to last Valkyrie. It wasn't fun, just frustrating. I did almost everything else in the game, IIRC, though.
  2. I've really started to get into the game now. Still really early, but that's fine. I don't expect to beat it for a while.
  3. Metal Slug 4 on MVS with the husband. Then I'll play some Ghost of Tsushima. I may get around to doing a little Animal Crossing.
  4. Personally, I thought it was a great game, just a little rough around the edges with technical issues. It's not surprising to me, at least, that he likes it that well.
  5. I dunno if I’ve said this before, but I’ve always been extremely happy to not be a parent. This just adds to my list of reasons. I feel for you guys right now.
  6. Animal Crossing and Ghost of Tsushima. Gonna test this copy of Hook I just got in for SNES, mess around with it a little.
  7. Dafuq happened with this? All I wanted to say was I’m glad baseball is back, even if my team sucks this year. edit: k, that’s fixed. Stupid mobile.
  8. I'll definitely be backing this. I miss Suikoden so much. Just makesm e happy the guy behind the first two games is working on it, so hopefully it'll be more like that instead of the turd that was III.
  9. I've slowed down a lot with the game. Need to pick it back up and catch the last 2 or 3 bugs and fish I need before they leave after next month.
  10. I really wanted to get into the series, so I bought 0 and played a few hours, but I just struggled with it. I put in about 10 hours over the course of a couple months, but I couldn't stick with it. I know a lot of people here love the series, though. I wish I did, because on paper, it seems like it'd be right up my alley. But it usually just felt like a chore.
  11. Read Baldwin's book in a day. Ended up deciding on The Broken Girls by Simone St James. I really love Sun Down Motel from her and I heard this one was good, too. It's already grabbed it in the first few pages.
  12. Yep. Wish I’d had them removed as a kid. Surprised I didn’t, given how many times I got strep when I was young. They’re a pain these days and I really don’t want to endure that surgery unless I absolutely have to.
  13. Finished Battle Cry of Freedom Tuesday, finished The Orphan's Tale last night. Accomplishments! I'm debating on what I should lay into next. I did pick up The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin, but it's more of a pamphlet at just over 100 pages. I'll get through it quick. Maybe I'll just catch up on magazines today while I decide what to read next.
  14. I work with this lady in her 70s. She's a PCT, so they don't make much money. She's single and has a son in his 30s with severe schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She's had lawyers screw her over, trying to get him committed. He's broken down her door, came at her with baseball bats and knives, jumped in the Arkansas River during the massive flooding we had last year, gone on rampages, thinking ISIS was after him, thought he was the son of god, the list is endless. Poor woman is worn down from him and has no help. The system has failed her and her son. They have no resources.
  15. Bipolar or not, Kayne has said some ridiculous shit over the years. I don't think he was manic every time he said or did something dumb, nuts, or egotistical. His disorder doesn't make him say dumb shit all the time. He does enough of that on his own. I just don't pay him much attention. I don't know or care about his music, he's just another celebrity who has no bearing on my life and has done nothing I care about. I'm not overly worried about this charade of a campaign, but nothing seems too farfetched these days. I laughed at Trump when he first started his campaign, too. We live in strange times.
  16. I mean, yeah, if he never decided to worked with the Cartel to begin with, none of this would have happened. But everyone else makes bad choices, too. I raged when Ruth did that because there was no other route it could have gone at that point.
  17. I have more compassion for the every day mentally ill who can't afford treatment and don't have millions of dollars and an extensive support system.
  18. Hey, this Direct was kinda nice. I'm there day one for both SMT games. I never did get around to playing Nocturne and it's been on my shelf for a decade or more.
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