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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I did own an 8800GT prior, that was my first "real" GPU. But I think it was kinda late when I bought it, it was my first time really getting into PC gaming. I don't recall what I paid for it, but it was probably bought in 2008. My Newegg history only goes back to 2010. Those are some good memories.
  2. He said yep. I’m going to be missing my husband for a while when this arrives, I’m sure. I just hope it’s not as much work as the Neo Geo was.
  3. I'm hoping the cab won't take too long. It arrived from Japan to the seller last week. It's coming from Reno, NV now. He's trying to decide what game marquee he's gonna get for it.
  4. I know that feel. Still waiting on a package of retro stuff from Japan. Could be any day now, could be two months, who knows. Husband's Blast City cab is supposed to be shipping this Friday, though.
  5. I'm not interested in Xbox at all and I see nothing on PS5 that makes me think I need to have it for quite some time. Spider-Man will be good, but it's not something I'm dying to spend hundreds of dollars to play, then not touch the system for months. I have other things I want to spend money on in the coming weeks/months.
  6. Yeah, I remember my first high end card purchase. A 6970, I'm thinking it was 2011 and I paid $350. That was a great card, lasted me a while.
  7. I can technically afford a lot. But I can't stomach paying $1k for a GPU that'll be outdated in a few years. I'm expecting to get the 3070 at $600. It's still awful, but hopefully it'll last a while.
  8. We knew this from the first announcement. I've got that collection of short stories, still debating on reading it before the show. Not that it should matter much, since Hill House was almost nothing like the book.
  9. I’m in dire need of a new GPU, but this is lame. Guess I’ll go for the 3070 and hope it lasts me a long time for how much the fucker costs.
  10. Until Dawn was a fun game. Definitely not in my top 10, but I can easily recommend playing it. Most of the stuff in my top 10 have already been mentioned. In no particular order after the first, but The Witcher 3 Persona 5 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Super Mario Odyssey God of War The Last of Us Part II Batman: Arkham Knight Assassin's Creed Origins Metal Gear Solid 5 Resident Evil 2 Remake There are some other contenders and my list changes some. Ghost of Tsushima may end up on it, but I haven't finished it yet.
  11. Thanks. I do have Mr Mercedes sitting on my shelf, I just had no idea it was connected to The Outsider until recently. I'll start with Mr Mercedes and get the other two. I also really want to read The Stand, but I'm not sure I'm in the mood for that big of a commitment at the moment.
  12. Speaking of Stephen King, I’m wanting to read him again soon. Wanting to read The Outsider, but I’ve heard it’s somewhat connected to Mr Mercedes trilogy and spoils some stuff. Is that true? So I should read the trilogy first? I also have If It Bleeds and I’ve heard at least one of the stories connects to The Outsider. I just want know what order I should read stuff in. I know they aren’t direct sequels but I don’t want any major spoilers for another book I haven’t read.
  13. My jaw dropped. I didn’t even know he was sick. What a terrible way to go.
  14. It’s dumb and I can see where it looks aggressive and in many cases it probably is. But it’s legal in Wisconsin and other states and is absolutely not evidence that someone intends to commit homicide.
  15. I'm just shaking my head at the notion that carrying a gun in public(while dumb and unnecessary) somehow proves intent to commit murder. Come the fuck on guys.
  16. A lot of other idiots showed up to the event with guns, too. They didn't shoot anyone. I'm sure they would have if they'd been attacked. You can't claim to be threatened just because someone nearby is legally(as far as you know) carrying a weapon. I'm open to the possibility more information will come out changing the narrative. I think the kid is a piece of shit, a stupid entitled moron, privileged by the color of his skin. I just don't see the evidence for a premeditated murder conviction at this point. No jury is going to convict when they've seen that video.
  17. Jesus, some of you guys are so desperate to be right on your preconceived notions, you've abandoned logic.
  18. If he was being physically attacked, then no. I don't get the actual people who think it's a good idea to attack someone with a gun.
  19. The Flight 981 Disaster by Samme Chittum. Why I have a fascination about plane crashes, I don't know. I'm still not particularly afraid to fly.
  20. Maybe an illegal gun charge or something. I know he wasn't legal to possess in his home state. I don't know how it works otherwise. But I don't see how you're going to get him for murder for shooting someone while being physically attacked.
  21. I despise the kid and everything he represents. He should have never been there, never had a gun. It's why I don't support carrying in public. Bringing a gun changes the dynamics. It turns nonlethal situations into lethal. But given what we currently know, I couldn't vote to convict him on premeditated murder. Unless prosecutors have more information we aren't privy to, I don't know what they're thinking with those charges.
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