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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. The Night Swim was excellent. Definitely heavy at times, with rape being the main story. Glad I got that one because going by title and cover, I’d had written it off as a typical chick lit novel. Now reading The Chestnut Man by Soren Sveistrup.
  2. Police shoot autistic 13 year old boy having an episode. Thankfully he's alive. This is why we need to defund the police.
  3. Watched Die Hard 2 last night for the first time. Definitely more over the top that the first. It was fun, though. Even if the plot about letting planes circle until they ran out of fuel was complete nonsense. And the plane crashing wouldn't have exploded like that since it was fuel starved. And as impressive as that 747 explosion at the end was, jet fuel does not burn that easily. And LOL @ the porcelain Glock 7 that gets through metal detectors and is super expensive. I had to remember when this movie was made. I need to turn my brain off for these movies.
  4. Exactly. It almost seems strange how they’re rushing to deny it so strongly. It’s about on par with comments he’s always made. McCain, the Khans, his Vietnam dodging, etc.
  5. Yeah, but she chose to work for a serial sexual abuser. It was well known. Then she dismissed his victims. And she’ll continue to go on news shows and defend his actions. Still doesn’t deserve it, but she got off a lot lighter than many of his victims. She didn’t get raped or assaulted. She didn’t lose her job due to harassment. She endured a crude comment from her boss and she clearly doesn’t seem traumatized by it.
  6. Working with the public for the last decade plus has severely depleted my compassion for humanity reserves. To be clear, I’m on the side of no one deserves that treatment. I just don’t have enough sympathy in me to feel bad for Sanders, given the damage she caused and the fact she still defends the man.
  7. I guess? I mean, he was one of our longest serving governors, held the office for 11 years. I was barely 9 when he took office, so I don't remember a ton about his tenure. I remember his response to Katrina was widely praised and he signed the ARKids first legislation, which gave a ton of uninsured kids coverage, myself and my brother included. My parents had just lost their jobs, were in school, so we didn't have their insurance coverage anymore. It helped out a lot of families who made too much for Medicaid, but not enough for private coverage. I didn't really start to dislike him until he made his presidential run and I saw all the crazy shit he believed. I think he just got worse from there.
  8. I mean, it's one of the early signs, but as far as I know, he hasn't done anything since. I don't know shit else about the guy, can't even recall his name and I live in their state. Also, I don't know why you guys keep arguing with sbl. it's the same shtick every time.
  9. Her brother tortured and killed a dog while he was a counselor at a summer camp. He got fired and daddy covered for him. The molestation stuff was the Duggars.
  10. I’m definitely getting it, but wtf at no Galaxy 2? I actually didn’t beat that one and would have loved it for Switch.
  11. Currently reading Countdown 1945 by Chris Wallace. I wouldn't normally buy a book from a Fox guy, but Wallance is generally pretty good and so far, I'm really liking the book. There are more detailed accounts of this time period and I've read some of them, but this is a easy to digest short read. I think I'm gonna start The Night Swim by Megan Goldin for my next novel. It was my August BOTM pick and I've got my Sept box on the way.
  12. If your dad is a cardiologist, then he'd know the evidence on the efficacy of stress tests. He's probably had more than one patient who had an MI not long after a negative stress test. We don't see them done much these days, unless someone is actually having symptoms. If you're asymptomatic and don't have any cardiac issues, there's really no need for one. Especially not routine at 30. I've never seen that done and I've been in the field for a decade now. I'm 33. I get routine labs yearly. I also do cardio daily. That's all the stress testing I need. I mean, if you really want one done(the nonnuclear med type) and want to waste the money on it, go for it. But the evidence shows it's not going to be of much real use if you have no other issues.
  13. Generally speaking, 50 is the recommended age for routine colonoscopy. Unless you have other risk factors. And definite no on a routine stress test at 30. You really don't ever need one unless you have known cardiac disease and are experiencing symptoms.
  14. I think I'm gonna go 3080. That should last me a long while. Y'all going with the 3090 are nuts. Double the price, but not performance. To each his own, I guess. I'm just really skeptical I'll be able to order one any time soon. Sounds like stock is going to be awful. I really wanted one by the time AC Valhalla and Cyberpunk come out.
  15. You're also almost certainly going to have to do some work on it when it arrives.
  16. Husband found a guy in an arcade forum who imported and sold them. $1000 for the cab, a little over $400 for shipping since he's in NV, so not within driving distance for us. This was essentially the guy's final go. Said they're getting harder to come by and the profit margins are getting low. Like, he might sell again, but he's just decided overall, it's not really worth it anymore, unless he knows he can get a good deal.
  17. I watched the CNBC video and it was the same. Are YT comments always this bad? Just a bunch of trolls and bots? I usually don't pay attention.
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