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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I'm consistent. If I get the game at all, it'll be used. I really want to complete my HP illustrated set as they release, but I'll wait to go used on them, too.
  2. Yeah, but no one cares when you say shitty stuff. It's just kinda who you are.
  3. I pretty much agree with that statement. Still not sure how that justifies shitting on someone's grave, but ok.
  4. I thought it was more criticism of you and others shitting on her grave, but ok.
  5. I'm upset, too. But I don't agree with the vitriol people are spewing. The bigger problem is with the system we have.
  6. It’s not water damage. Unsure if it can come off, though. He’s working on getting it cleaned up to bring in the house.
  7. It's here. Sucks it came on such an awful day. My excitement is dampened.
  8. I just woke up and saw the breaking news on my phone. Fuck fuck fuck. I feel sick.
  9. I haven’t even taken a photo, hah. Well, I did once, by accident. Saw the trophy and was like “huh, cool.”
  10. Lordy. I am having a good bit of fun with Ghost of Tsushima. I need to pick up the pace and get it beaten.
  11. Well, I’m done. Seems they sold out in seconds and I have to get some sleep. I didn’t really need it day one, but with how it sounds, they won’t have any more for quite some time and I wanted it by November at least. Lame.
  12. I never even saw them up on BB. Just went from coming soon to sold out. Why even bother with this release if they have such pitiful stock?
  13. the former, yes. I already said I read long, dense history books for fun. Maybe I should watch some gardening shows. I'm struggling to keep houseplants alive at times. Particularly this peace lily right now.
  14. That's quite dark for a FF game. I'm kind of intrigued. But it'll depend on the battle system. I'm sick of these convoluted messes they've been doing lately.
  15. I'm aware of those numbers. But I also extensively read books on these subjects because I think history is pretty fucking important to learn.
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