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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Challenger: The Final Flight 4 episode docuseries on Netflix. Really informative and well done. Heartbreaking, especially when it focuses on the teacher, Krista McAuliffe. It happened a year before I was born, but it’s one of those events that those who were alive to witness it never forgot. The incompetence is infuriating.
  2. I don’t want to think they’ll roll back contraception access any more than they already have, but I don’t feel completely safe. Because, yeah, I recall reading the dissent in Lawrence. Yikes.
  3. Fair. I mean, he did try to play a gotcha on me once because I’m apparently a hypocrite for being pro-choice but believe childhood vaccines should be mandatory. He failed miserably with that one, but between that and a few other posts, I took it that he’s pretty anti-choice.
  4. Fucking sucks. I’ve been so angry on so many levels lately. It feels powerless.
  5. Try being a woman through all this. There are twats on this very board who don’t believe I should have the right to control my reproductive system.
  6. I mean, I’m a fucking atheist and I use it. To me, death is just a long nap, so of course it’s compatible with my belief system. Not to mention,RIP is also often used for “rest in power.”
  7. It has its origins in Christianity but that’s pretty irrelevant today and people basically just need something to be offended over. I’m pretty certain Ginsburg herself wouldn’t be bothered by this. rest in peace | Dictionary.com WWW.DICTIONARY.COM Rest in peace is a common epitaph found on Western gravestones.
  8. I’ve been reading posts saying we shouldn’t force Christianity on RBG’s memory by saying things like RIP. People can be a bit much.
  9. Watched this with my husband last night. There was a lot of info even he didn't know. Pretty sickening. I use FB, but it's the only one. I did turn off notifications a long time ago and that's helped. I still wish I'd just get rid of it, but I have a few reasons I keep it.
  10. Someone is really working OT to be pretentious today. I'll add this to my watch list, though.
  11. Yeah, I'm the same. I love the feel and smell of a physical book. I mostly use my Kindle for good deals on fiction. It's also handy to read in the stand while I'm hunting.
  12. The Kindle Paperwhite uses the e-ink screen, which is damn near identical to paper. I only read on it, not my iPad or phone. I'm about to hit 70 books on the year. I read far more than game these days.
  13. I struggle with books. Kindle is so convenient, yet I still have about 500 physical books on my shelves to a little under 200 on my Kindle.
  14. Yeah, this seems even stranger because I don't recall you saying anything and no one ever called you out, so I don't know why you're on the defense about it.
  15. I do hope since RBG was such a revered, almost godlike figure on the left, it'll make them more eager to vote. I can't think of any other SCOTUS justice with the celebrity she had.
  16. And a lot of people have moved on to not caring at all about physical media. That's why they want the DE model.
  17. What part of "I'm not getting into a pissing contest making worthless bets" wasn't clear?
  18. A lot of people have gone digital only. They care about convenience, not price.
  19. You said this: So I responded. It's completely reasonable to expect Murkowski to stick to her word since she's already made the statement and she also refused to vote for Kavanaugh. That's it. I'm not getting into a pissing contest making worthless bets because I don't know how this will play out. It's very likely it'll be disastrous. I hope not, but I have to prepare for the worst. All of three of them could hold firm and refuse to vote or they could all cave. I don't know. And neither do you.
  20. You're the one insisting she'll vote for a Trump nominee at this point. I'm merely contesting your claim. I never said she alone would save us.
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