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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Last I checked, I still don't need an Xbox because I have a PC. And no need to jump on me for being a PC snob. I have Sony and Nintendo consoles. I just don't know of any Xbox exclusives I can't play on PC.
  2. Kinda went through a bit of a reading slump for about a week. I finished The World As It Is, but I just could not get into The Hunting Party. I gave up and that's extremely rare for me. I read The Haunting of Rookward House by Darcy Coates. I really enjoy most of her books, they're just fun, creepy ghost stories and this is the right time of year for them. Finished it this morning. I'm currently working on Magna Carta: The Birth of Liberty by Dan Jones. I love medieval English history and this guy makes it interesting. Probbaly going to start Mr Mercedes by Stephen King for my next novel.
  3. I bought his book and read it. It was really well researched and balanced. Still got criticism from fellow liberals for supporting a Fox guy. Cue eye roll.
  4. I pretty much learned from my family growing up(half were Baptists, the others Assemblies of God) that Catholics weren't really true Christians, though they didn't speak a lot on them since my area was overwhelmingly Protestant growing up. I didn't have any experience with Catholicism until a I went to a couple Catholic weddings for friends in my 20s and they remain my only experience, outside of working for a Catholic hospital now, hah. Funny enough, both those marriages ended in divorce under 2 years. Now Mormons, JWs, Seventh Day Adventists, those were all dangerous cults and they were definitely going to Hell.
  5. I'm drawing a blank as to who Bill Mitchell is. But, yeah. It'd be a bit much to make patients wear a mask 24/7 in a private room. One of my buddies says where he works patients have to wear them if staff is in the room, but otherwise not.
  6. Patients aren't wearing masks in their own rooms. They have to wear them while out of the room, like if they're being transported for a procedure or something. But if they're in their own private room, it's not really necessary. That's how it is at my hospital and all the others around me as far as I'm aware.
  7. I want to delete my account, but I do enjoy keeping up with certain people through it. And I'm in some enjoyable groups...for the most part. I just can't help but be amazed by how petty and hateful people can be over the dumbest shit. And the fucking misinformation. Christ almighty. I've removed a lot of the worst people and unfollowed some others(like family). It's helped some. I've also turned off all notifications.
  8. I've just decided I'm not going to drive myself insane and waste a bunch of time trying to get one. I'll wait til they're readily available. Because this is stupid and I have better things to do.
  9. Well, that was good. Not exactly hopeful, but it puts a lot into perspective.
  10. Yep, let's pick the most revolting, devastating choice. Fuck these people. I wish there was a Hell for them.
  11. Clinton had two. Ginsburg and Breyer. Prior to Clinton, Carter had no appointees. Thus, only 4 SCOTUS appointees by Democratic presidents in the last 50 years.
  12. I'm getting this, but I'm going to finish Tsushima first. I've actually been making quite a bit of progress in that one.
  13. I’ve got nothing. Not interested in a PS5 until sometime next year, never interested in an Xbox, and the 3080 is proving impossible to obtain. So I’ll just stick with what I have, which is a substantial backlog, for now.
  14. What would you base it on? Are medical decisions not part of privacy rights? And what does it matter now anyway?
  15. It sounds like he’s just more of a devout catholic who eschews family planning. Not sure there’s a huge difference, though.
  16. Doing a quick search, the concept has been around for a long time, but the actual movement seems to have taken off in the late 70s/early 80s? I only heard of it when the Duggar family became prominent.
  17. You've never heard of the Quiverfull movement? I.e. the Duggar family philosophy.
  18. My civics and AP government teacher in high school informed us how she stopped using BC because she found out it was basically abortion. She also kept a little sign on her desk that said marriage = one man + one woman. This was the education I got in the early 2000s. Ugh.
  19. It does me too, then I remember Griswold v Connecticut was after the birth of my parents. It then took another seven years for the court to give the green light for unmarried people to use birth control. We are not that far removed from basic rights being granted and there are still plenty of people out there who want to control women’s bodies.
  20. I can’t even muster enough snark to joke about skillz being completely wrong. I knew it was almost certain to happen, but the final nail in the coffin really hurts. I can’t be optimistic now. Maybe if November goes well, I might regain a little hope. But now, I’m depressed as fuck.
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