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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Gun reform isn’t happening anytime remotely soon, so I’m not that worried about it. I’m far more worried about civil rights, the environment, the destruction of our country, etc. Those are far more imminent.
  2. I don’t give a shit how nice someone is, if they’re going to take away my bodily autonomy, healthcare from millions of people, destroy the environment, put a sociopath in office for four more years, etc. etc.
  3. 3 episodes in, it’s quite good. Not the same scariness as Hill House, but there’s definite tension and dread. Will have to wait til Friday to finish it, as I work the next three nights.
  4. Mexican Gothic was...weird. But in a mostly good way. I'm gonna take a quick break from spook land and read Dear Justyce by Nic Stone. It's essentially a sequel to Dear Martin, which I loved and read in a day.
  5. I don't know why this game is still on my shelf. Sometimes I tell myself I'll try it again, then I read about it and I'm reminded of why I quit the first time.
  6. Ratched - 7/10 Some cartoonish characters and plot holes, but overall I liked it. The cinematography was excellent.
  7. Early voting starts here the 19th. I'll be voting in person as soon as I can. Was talking to an old HS friend of mine last night and she said her dad is voting for the first time in over a decade. He's re-registered and voting for Biden. It gives me hope. Another guy I went to HS with, he was one of our valedictorians, he came from a conservative republican background, but has now completely abandoned the party, largely due to Trump. Part of his shift came about when his little brother came out as gay. He's voting a straight blue ticket and he's in Colorado.
  8. I’m kinda disappointed with the Halloween stuff in this game. The pumpkins are great, but where’s all the cool stuff from New Leaf? The coffins and tombstones and cauldrons? Bummer.
  9. I like aioli in small amounts. Put mayo or miracle whip on anything, though, and you've ruined it. I want to gag.
  10. So Bloodstained wasn’t great on Switch. Input lag was too much even for me. Sucks, since I really wanted to play it on that system. I guess it’s playable, but the lag does bother me and I have a better option. Luckily, the husband has it on Steam, so I’m just going to play it on PC. It’s buttery smooth.
  11. I just watched these on blu-ray a few months ago. I’m not really feeling the need for an upgrade. They did hold up quite well, though.
  12. Well, Mr. Mercedes was great! Next up, Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Keeping with the spookier/creepy reads for October. For nonfiction, I’m starting Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow.
  13. It's hard to sleep all jacked up on steroids. I had a particularly horrific case of poison ivy back in 2015. I was on methylprednisolone for about 2 weeks, plus diphenhydramine to help with the itching. My body didn't know what the fuck to do.
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