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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I’m just gonna wear one of my royal blue Cubs shirts under my scrub top tonight. Small statement, but it makes me feel better.
  2. I mean, only one of the candidates has openly called for his supporters to commit violence. And it's not Biden. Bataar looks familiar, but I really can't recall much about him.
  3. Started The Beauty in Breaking by Michele Harper last night. She's a black ED doctor and this is a memoir of her experiences. Really good so far.
  4. These people are hopeless. I spent years trying to educate my family. They revel in their ignorance. Religion dominates them.
  5. They don’t do themselves any favors with their actions. My own family largely supports Trump and it’s mostly because they love his racism, think he’ll protect their guns, and appoint anti-abortion and anti-LGBT judges. That’s pretty fuckin’ deplorable, IMO.
  6. Personally, I never liked the idea of snorting anything. I can't even handle Flonase. I still see him on FB. He commented on the photo of our new candy cab.
  7. Yep, I educated him on that one, too. Definitely one of the most consequential elections in our history. I'm the nerd who reads history books for fun, he...sticks to tech.
  8. Hah, I was actually just telling my husband about that election a couple weeks ago. He asked what other wonky elections we’ve had in our history, aside from 2000. 1824 was a clusterfuck.
  9. Probably Fizzle. I always really liked him and he's been gone so long. I hope he hangs around a bit, or at least doesn't disappear for so long the next time. Greatoneshere is great to have around, but he hadn't been gone that long. I didn't even realize it had been a couple months. This year has really screwed with my perception of time.
  10. Heh, you have been gone a long time. I'm bi. I mentioned it here, I dunno, a few years ago? I mean, it's easy to pass since I'm married to a man and all. I finally came out in general this year. It was kind of funny, since a lot of people who know me in person weren't surprised. Hell, I had multiple coworkers assume I was a lesbian when they first met me, then I mentioned my husband and they were surprised. I dunno, I'm not overly feminine, but I'm not butch, either.
  11. And here we go. I'm worried. Logically, I think Biden will win and 2020 is not the same as 2016. But I worry about the attempts to invalidate votes. And as a woman, an atheist, and someone who isn't straight, I sure the fuck have concerns about the future with another four years of Trump.
  12. I was 12 when it came out. Crazy I missed it. I remember being around 5 years old and watching the Disney cartoon and it gave me nightmares. The fact I still recall that all the time later tells me it had quite the impact.
  13. With patients? Who knows. All depends on what I have that night. With coworkers? Nah. Over half my coworkers on weeknights are black and either hate Trump or don't follow politics. The obnoxious Trumpers are on weekends.
  14. Yeah, man, I'm really hurting and need that extra $40 or so.
  15. Sleepy Hollow(1999) - 7.5/10 Somehow I never saw this one. Dunno how I missed it. But I thought it was solid. A good Halloween movie.
  16. Why I always avoid working this night.
  17. No, I like breathing and not having my eyes swollen shut. I do kiss my doggo on her head, though.
  18. Thanks, man. Sometimes I forgot that a lot of people here saw me go through my deconversion. It was quite the process and some of you helped with that. I felt so much better after that weight was lifted. I do have a bit of a vicious streak, can't deny it. You should see me with some of my more difficult patients. But I do think you're a good guy. We all have certain sides of us that can rub others the wrong way from time to time.
  19. Maybe it's because I work in healthcare and encounter giant morons on a daily basis, plus I grew up in a small town, surrounded by religious crazies, but he didn't get to me that badly. Don't get me wrong, he could make a person want to pull their hair out, but he generally wasn't that antagonistic, didn't mess with peoples' personal lives, stuff like that. He was just frustratingly stupid. Damn, though, even the people I've despised here, I haven't actually wanted them to die!
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