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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I love how my little funny post about my family visit resulted in an in depth discussion on the Civil War. Excellent job, guys! Edit: that's not sarcasm, just to be clear. I enjoyed reading the posts that followed while waiting for the deer to show up.
  2. I said I was gonna avoid the topic unless they started it, but when I walked out there and saw that "All aboard the Trump train 2020" hanging next to the Stars and Bars, I just couldn't stop myself. I've been good since.
  3. So I'm visiting my family this weekend for a hunting trip and gods, this is another world here. Trump flags everywhere. FUCKING EVERYWHERE. I haven't see a single Biden sign. My dad has two in his shop. Hanging next to the Confederate flag. I asked him if that was his hall of losers up in the rafters.
  4. Yeah, they're all really long. I love 'em. Can't wait to read this one. I've been wanting to read a presidential bio lately, but I've been holding off for this.
  5. He did do some work on it. Replaced the speakers, took it apart and cleaned it thoroughly(because Japanese arcade allow smoking) and touched up the paint in areas. But all in all, far less work than he had to do with our Neo Geo cab.
  6. Really wanted an Astro City, but those were already spoken for. These things are hard to get. But we're happy with this one.
  7. So I guess I totally missed where this wasn't on Steam. Bummer. Went ahead and bought it through Uplay, because fuck Epic. But I'm going out of town tomorrow and won't be back til Monday. I'll start it then.
  8. I'm finishing up The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi. Really mixed feelings on this one. Their(author is nonbinary) writing is beautiful, but there's an incest plot that makes me hella uncomfortable. Not sure how I feel about this one. Also reading Fascism: A Warning my Madeleine Albright.
  9. I think he just means the states electors vote for whoever wins the overall popular vote. Because what he said is what we already have.
  10. It is and the ironic thing is, I could probably get her fired if I really wanted her out of a job. I held back on giving them the worst of what she’s said. I had just hoped I could give them enough to where they’ve give her the talk and maybe she’d fucking realize she needs to shut the fuck up. Apparently that wasn’t enough. At least my manager did say I didn’t have to work any weekend shifts anymore.
  11. I gotta vent and this thread seems like a good place to do it. I started my current job a few months prior to the 2016 election. I generally like the people I work with. There's been one woman in particular, we'd somehow hit it off and became friends. She's a great nurse, really helpful and for more than two years, we worked the same weekend shifts, so we spent 36 hours a week together. Even went out to eat and for drinks occasionally. She's 63. She's also a conservative and a Trump fan. First, it wasn't so bad, then her views just got more and more corrosive. She's always been rather...loud...and opinionated. She has some sympathetic coworkers and she likes to hold court with them, so to speak. Anyway, over the last year or so, our relationship really started breaking down. She abruptly blocked me of FB because she didn't like my political opinions. I never commented on her shitty posts, but she would sometimes make drive by comments on mine and one time, she actually stuck around trying to argue that Trump wasn't actually racist, she lost, badly, not just with my, but several of my friends, too. So she blocked me and told people I was being "inappropriate." Ooooookay. She continued saying hateful things at work. Bashing BLM, ranting about the hospital pushing this "social justice bullshit" and this "diversity shit." Lamenting about cops "having their lives ruined for protecting themselves" by shooting these little 15 year old "thugs." Mocks the LBGT community, saying things like "I think I''ll identify as a cat today, who has a litter box for me?" and calling people who come out later in life and have marriages end "frauds" saying their spouses should sue them. She calls our manager a "lezzy come late" because she's now married to a woman when she was married to a man prior. Never mind this bitch has two failed marriages under her belt and is currently shacked up with a morbidly obese alcoholic 14 years younger than her who she babysat as a kid. She hates Muslims and says stuff like "I'll never forgive them for 9-11" and likes to boast how she protested at a mosque that day. I could go on, but you get the idea. I had spoken with her a couple times to try to get her to back off, the things she said we highly offensive and didn't belong in the workplace. She ignored me and kept up. So finally, I went to management. Said I wasn't trying to get her fired, I just wanted the behavior to stop. I'd talked to others and they'd felt the same way and some of them had already complained to management. It took them a while, but the finally talked to her about a month ago. She's been bitching about me with her sympathizers ever since. Says because I'm bisexual and all, I thought I could complain and be the victim, yadda yadda. The shifts I've worked with her have been really tense. Last night, I tried to speak with her privately, just to clarify some things and I said I wasn't trying to get her fired or anything, just wish she'd stop with the behavior. She blew up, stormed off to the nurse's station to rant at me in front of everyone, though this time, she didn't have all her usual cohorts there. She blamed me for being able to "dish it out on my FB, but not being able to take it at work. It was only a one way street." She even claimed I had a crush on her and that's why I was doing this. THE FUCK. She's older than my parents, fat, ugly, bad teeth, you get the idea. I actually laughed after my jaw dropped for a second. She then said we were done, our friendship was over. Honestly, fuck these people. They act like assholes and are completely incapable of self reflection. In her mind, she's never done anything wrong and she's the victim to bad people like me. She can't understand why people would be offended by her. Later on, she kept making little side comments like when someone was looking for a tech(who is black) she said "I dunno, I probably ran her off with my offensive comments." I think it's sad it came to this, but I don't need friends like that. These people are scum. They think they're being victimized.
  12. Yeah, I’m just done with these people. It might cost me some friends, but they weren’t worth being friends with anyway .
  13. For people who call others snowflakes, they sure do like to be the victim. I’ve been experiencing that first hand tonight at work. Fuck. These. People. Fucking cunts.
  14. It’s more that if we got pregnant now, we’re in a better position to handle it. I’m not longer under my parents’ control, there’s a clinic nearby, we have money to take care of it, etc. It was a mutual decision. But I think everyone should do what they feel is right for them.
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