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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I can say that exact sentence word for word. I kinda liked it, though. I like that entire line of Campbell's soups. I take them to work sometimes.
  2. One of my coworkers lives within walking distance of our hospital. She’s in her 50s. She had a break in while she was sleeping in the middle of the day earlier this year. Guys literally just broke down her door and she startled awake. Nearly scared her to death. She screamed at them and they fled. I can’t imagine that kind of trauma. A lot of the Filipino nurses we get contracted to immigrate and work here also live in the area. I think they don’t know better and just want something close. They aren’t fond of it, especially the ones with young children. Some have moved.
  3. Sucks, but I can’t change it. I refuse to go out past dark around my hospital. We’ve had too much violence in the area.
  4. I'd love that, but it always seems like hospitals are in the worst areas of the city, so that's a big ole nope.
  5. I watch random stuff on YT, so I don't even know if I've got 10 channels for a list. Game Sack AVGN Dominic Noble (book reviewer) Daniel Greene (book reviewer) Timeline - World History Documentaries Real Royalty (primarily for the historical stuff) SNL Late Night with Seth Myers Last Week Tonight Those are the ones I actually subscribe to. Other than that, it's just random videos.
  6. I've never had one either. I can eat real BBQ.
  7. Over halfway through A Promised Land. It’s really good. Started Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden. It’s a good crime thriller written by an American Indian that takes place on a reservation. Mainly about the opioid crisis.
  8. They’ve gone to a two year cycle for the last few releases. And the only one that really got negative reviews was Unity and that was mostly for the technical issues. I personally liked it, though it wasn’t my favorite.
  9. Because they have so many iconic franchises that people love. And they do handhelds well. It's pretty simple.
  10. I dunno. Fair chance it's around 50 when I'm at work. Especially if you're counting the hand sanitizer we use. My hands are so damn dry, it's terrible.
  11. There is so much wrong in this statement. I've played every main console release in the series to completion. I love the historical settings, that's why i play. They don't generally get mediocre reviews. A few have been middling, but the last few entries have reviewed quite well. Ubi does struggle with bugs and PC optimization, I'll give you that. But microtransactions? Outo f the hundreds of hours I've played these games, I've never participated in that aspect and I've enjoyed them all just fine.
  12. Friends and Seinfeld are both 90s sitcom legends and I will never understand the appeal of either. That is the hill I will die on.
  13. Basically how I feel about it. I haven’t watched an episode in years, but from what I recall, I wouldn’t find it very funny today. I don’t really watch sitcoms, outside of The Golden Girls. I do still have a fondness for Boy Meets World. I loved Full House as a kid, but it’s just painfully corny now. I never understood the appeal of Friends or Seinfeld. Meh. And fuck the haters, I love The Office. One of the handful of shows I’ve watched twice.
  14. Non-binary people have been around for a while and using they/them pronouns. I don’t find it difficult. Good for Elliot. I never was a huge fan of their movies. I never totally got the hype around Juno.
  15. No. If you will recall, Ford pardoned Nixon right after he took office.
  16. What a dumb fucking toddler. Reading Obama’s memoir right now, I’d forgotten what a proper president sounds like. It’s fucking refreshing.
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