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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. TDK is probably my favorite movie of all time. I never get tired of watching it. I fucking hate Grease, though.
  2. Same. I jog typically 6 days a week and do some weights. I lost about 15 lbs at first, but it's plateaued there, because my diet isn't the best. I've mostly dropped soda, though. More just an occasional indulgence now.
  3. I've never heard of him. On one hand, that's surprising, given how much I read, on the other, I never was into that genre.
  4. Really, it's probably the best idea. I keep forgetting these things came out. Usually, I'm at least somewhat excited for new consoles, but this gen I've met with a shrug. Add in the apparent issues and I've even more satisfied I'm waiting til later next year. I figure it'll be God of War that pushes me to buy one.
  5. Let's just say I'm not entirely sympathetic. But I have to be careful about how I act at work. I don't think she's deathly ill at the moment, but I'm betting with her other health issues she's not going to bounce right back. Oh, she also got called into HR for a meeting last week about her conduct. Seems some of the black people at work heard her rant about "hoodrats" and "thugs" and didn't appreciate it. Now she's angry and says she's leaving because "you just can't say anything these days." She's the victim.
  6. Anyway, I'll try to make it short, so hopefully it won't mysteriously erase. Hateful Trumpster coworker I've mentioned here before is hospitalized with covid. She's called it Kung Flu and blamed the Chinese government for it all. I know she hasn't been careful since things started opening back up, eating at restaurants multiple times a week. Hope she makes a recovery, because even I'm not cruel enough to wish that on her. But she's got multiple comorbidities, hypertension, autoimmune stuff, plus she's quite obese. Just not smart.
  7. No, I'm just on my PC, using my standard keyboard. It wasn't a super short post, so when it gets erased multiple times when I'm almost done, it's rather frustrating.
  8. Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi. I never got around to this one all these years. The Flame Bearer by Bernard Cornwell. Getting close to wrapping up this series. It's really good, but I'm trying to finish it before I read any of his other books.
  9. Okay, twice now I've tried to type out a post and it just randomly disappeared as I was typing. Is anyone else having this problem?
  10. I see so many strong opinions on this case and yet, I still have no idea what went on between these two. But I've never cared much about Johnny Depp, so I'm not terribly invested. From what little I've read, they both sound like shit people who should have never been together.
  11. We had some doozy arguments back in the day, hah.
  12. I've never used those services myself. I have joined in on some group orders at few here and there. Sometimes you dot have much choice, working at a hospital.
  13. It feels kinda insane that I've been posting here for 10 years. I have made some good friends. 😊
  14. I’m just about to wrap up A Promised Land. It’s been sooo good. Current fiction is Night Road by Kristen Hannah. I need a good drama.
  15. For once, I'll be at the front of the line for something. Now if only I could get a 3080...
  16. 20% is my standard. Exceptional service gets 25-30%. I have tipped 10%, but that’s only been a couple times and for exceptionally shitty service. As in, the place wasn’t remotely busy and we just got blatantly ignored. Dunn what that was about. Actually, I think the manager just gave us the meal on the house that time, so I suppose we didn’t leave anything on that occasion. So maybe I’ve never tipped that low now that I really think about it. Thankfully, I’ve never been a server. I would have sucked at that job. I can hardly balance patient trays. And I don’t respond well when people are being dicks, so if my wage depending on being nice to assholes, I’d have starved. Or been fired quickly. I get treated poorly enough by some patients and that’s after earning a four year degree.
  17. Caffeine and occasionally a beer. I wish I could use marijuana, but it’s not worth my license, no matter how small a chance there is I get caught.
  18. Nah. I could tell he was a handsome Latino even with the mask on. But, really, my practice is to tip well. I hate tipping culture and think everyone should just be paid a living wage, but I’m not going to punish the server for a shit system.
  19. Hey, I went out to eat with a couple coworkers last month, but I tipped well. It's only the second time I've eaten out since Feb, though. I went for my birthday back in August. Ah, well.
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