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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. White, yes, but from what I've read, he's never been registered to vote. He was a total recluse.
  2. I loved Brave. But it's the setting for me. It's not on the same level at a lot of Pixar movies and feels more like a typical Disney animated movie, but I'll take it any day over Cars or Nemo.
  3. Several of their recent movies I haven’t seen. But most were sequels to movies I didn’t care about in the first place, like Cars or Finding Nemo. Incredibles 2 was good, though. I even bought Coco on blu-ray like two years ago and I never watched it.
  4. Yeah, I've just really not been in a movie mood for quite some time. Haven't seen Frozen 2, either. I will eventually. Also, I wasn't especially enamored of Toy Story 4. I mean, it was good and all, but I just never got the sense it was needed. Fun, but I was content with where Toy Story 3 left us.
  5. Darn. I mean, it’s not like I’m so low that I’m good with tv speakers and 720p. I just don’t care enough to go balls to the wall and string speakers from my ceiling and shit.
  6. I read that back in the Spring. It was excellent. I'd known very little about the IRA before.
  7. My aunt always gets us a gift card for Olive Garden or Red Lobster because she remembers I loved those places as a kid. So that’s about the only time I eat there. Still have a Red Lobster card from last Christmas we haven’t used thanks to covid. I mean, they’re okay if you grew up with no better options. Now I have plenty of options and rarely eat at chains. Except I do really like Texas Roadhouse. Good prime rib without breaking the bank and I love those rolls. Gotta eat there a couple times a year.
  8. Those terms really don’t mean anything to me. I’m not that picky on audio and video. All I know is we have surround sound and the TV is 4K and that’s good enough for me. Don’t watch many movies.
  9. Started War of the Wolf by Bernard Cornwell. Could be my last read for 2020, we’ll see.
  10. For the most part. I hate most Christmas music, though. This year sucks, of course. My mom got Covid as of Monday, so I can’t see my family. We’re about to head to my in-laws for the afternoon for a small gathering.
  11. Okay, I think I'll aim to make The Stand my January read. I've had it long enough. I may take breaks on it, though.
  12. Total bullshit. I didn’t even know what my sign was until a couple years ago. I have a coworker who is big into it and according to her, me and my husband shouldn’t be compatible. 16 years together says otherwise.
  13. I think it's the length of The Stand that has put me off for so long. I really want to read it. But it took me like 4 months to get through It because it was so long and it was really slow in parts to where I'd have to put it aside and read something else for a bit. Does The Stand work in a similar way?
  14. Sickening. What possible justification could Trump even attempt to have for pardoning these murderers?
  15. Really, you should just get your Vitamin D level checked and go from there. Mine was low for quite some time and my doctor had me take 5000iu a day. I did it for about a year or so and it stabilized and I've been back to normal since and not needed it.
  16. I need to figure what what my next SK read will be. I've got a decent selection. I'd ordered a copy of Desperation on eBay, but it seems to be lost or indefinitely delayed through USPS and the seller refunded me today without me even asking. I've got: The Stand, 11-22-63, Different Seasons, Finders Keepers, The Outsider, Let It Bleed, The Institute, The Green Mile, Revival, and Doctor Sleep. Not a bad selection, just hard to pick!
  17. Yeah, I know it's not quite the same, but I wanna give it a try. I don't even think I've ever turned it on, except to make sure the cart worked. Found it probably a decade ago for $10 and picked it up.
  18. PS1 actually had a good few 2D games that still look pretty. Saturn, too. N64 was nearly all 3D and it's uglier than the competition. Even with our video mods, it's still the worst looking of the three. As for Golden Eye, I never played it back then. And most people had consoles rather than PC back then. Agreed on the Mario Tennis, Smash, etc point. Sure, those games were great then, but they've been eclipsed over and over by their successors. There doesn't seem to be much point in playing them now.
  19. I do own that one, but haven't ever played it. Dunno why, as I love Tactics Ogre. I see people in these nostalgia groups on FB gush over Golden Eye. Like, yeah, it was revolutionary back then, but have you tried playing it now? It does not hold up. I get bashed so hard when I give my opinion.
  20. I consider myself a huge Nintendo fan. Lord knows I used to take enough shit for it here back in the days of console wars, lol. But N64 is my least favorite of the Nintendo systems(excluding Virtual Boy). I dislike the controller, it lacks the variety of titles like PS1, there's no RPGs, and the system graphics are just ugly as fuck, even compared to 3D graphics of Saturn and PS1 at the time. A lot of the big hits, like Mario and Zelda, I didn't play until later remasters/ports. I had one as a kid, but it stayed in my brother's room, while the PS1 stayed in my room, so naturally PS1 was where I spent most of my time. I do have 23 N64 games and an assortment of systems and controllers in different colors because I'm a moron and like collecting, though.
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