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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Awww, yeah. Ready for pickup. He’ll go get them tomorrow. I half wanna cancel my visit.
  2. Joe Scarborough is mad as hell this morning. I have this thing where I love news anchors swearing on live tv.
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/06/ted-cruzs-electoral-vote-speech-will-live-infamy/?outputType=amp https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-hawley-and-cruz-will-each-wear-the-scarlet-s-of-a-seditionist/2021/01/06/65b0ad1a-506c-11eb-bda4-615aaefd0555_story.html?outputType=amp
  4. Getting through this thread was exhausting. Looking at the photos from the insurrection filled me with a lot of emotions. I still don’t know what the prevailing one is. Probably anger, maybe disgust? Definitely sadness thrown in, too. Fuck Trump, fuck the GOP, and fuck all these dangerous idiots today. This country is fucked.
  5. So I woke up an hour ago and have to work tonight. I’m still trying to get through this thread and get all the info I can. But this is how I felt after going to bed this morning happy about the Georgia elections.
  6. I liked IT. It just felt overly long and parts of it I struggled to pay attention. But overall, I really did like the book. Just wasn’t my favorite from King. So far, my favorites have been Pet Sematary, Misery, and The Shining. I'm super early in The Stand, like 85 pages, but the sense of dread I’m feeling as the virus spreads feels amplified by current events. My biggest concern now is keeping up with all these characters. Holy shit.
  7. Well, I woke up to a nice surprise today. If Best Buy doesn’t fuck it up, I’ll have a Founders Edition 3080 this weekend. Apparently they had a big drop today and my husband ordered one for me. Got himself a 3070, because by the time he got my order, 3080s were out of stock. We’re visiting my parents this weekend, so I won’t be able to pick it up when it arrives Saturday, but I’m gonna try to get back early enough to get it on Sunday.
  8. I don’t know why this game is still on my shelf. I should have gotten rid of it when it was worth a few bucks. Damn.
  9. Who actually cares about the semantics of whether Link's Awakening is an AAA game or not? Point is, it's Zelda and hugely popular and sells. A full remake of an iconic Zelda title is a big deal.
  10. First book completed for 2021. I started Know My Name by Chanel Miller for my nonfiction. I'm about to start The Stand by Stephen King. It's finally time.
  11. Because they fucked up Vita. Sad, because I really like that little system. Like, if we take out the quantity and quality of the games and just focus on the hardware and how comfortable it is to hold and play, I liked it better than 3DS.
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