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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I say mamaw for one of them. Also, you're just weird. Remembering random shit and tagging me.
  2. Oh, for sure. I'm not asking the question to minimize what happened. It was just something I had automatically assumed then realized later.
  3. We're any of the rioters armed with guns? I don't recall seeing any and DC bans open carry. Just one of those things I initially assumed was the case, then I looked a bit and don't recall seeing guns.
  4. I never watched the show, but saw the first movie with a former friend because she loved it and really wanted to see it. I really wish I had those two hours back. As well as the 2+ hours or whatever it was I sat through her goddamned Catholic wedding(my first Catholic service ever) only for her to divorce her husband after less than two years and go crazy and stop being my friend for reasons I never discovered. ...anyhoo. Yeah, I'll pass on a SATC reboot.
  5. I mean, just when I think he can't go any lower. He invents new ways to be a total piece of shit.
  6. While I agree some cases are so heinous that I think that person shouldn't be able to breathe air anymore, the reality is, capital punishment is really flawed in this country and there's really no good reason for it to continue, so I've been in favor of abolition for a long time. Won't happen for a long long time, though.
  7. Damn. My dad just texted me and told me my younger cousin has it. He works on the boats, the barges that work the Mississippi River. Whole boat has it, apparently. My aunt said they're all quarantined somewhere in Illinois, so I don't know how that all works.
  8. I think I'm gonna go with this PSU. Any issues, guys? Sorry! Something went wrong! SMILE.AMAZON.COM Edit: Link works, dunno why it displays like that.
  9. Damn, just found out one of my former physicians died from covid. He was older, was my husband's doctor when he was a kid. He ran a small practice with his son and they both got the virus. From what my mom-in-law told me, his son wasn't as stringent with masking and gloves. Ugh.
  10. Like, my gods. The most masculine person ever to hold the office? I know there's a lot of hyperbole around Trump, but once in a while I hear something that just mkes me face palm so goddamned hard. Yes, Trump is totally more masculine than Theodore Roosevelt. Who got fucking shot in the chest and still finished his speech. Who, after the death of his wife, spent a year in Dakota, working the land. Yep, Trump is SUPER DUPER masculine. Fucking BONE SPURS is tough as nails.
  11. It's a Corsair. I'm not sure the exact year I bought it, but quite possible it's about 10 years old. It was the first good PSU I bought when I built my first serious gaming PC. LOL, I just checked. I order this PSU on 1-7-2011.
  12. Oh, I'm going to replace my PSU because I've got AWFUL coil whine with the 3080. It was there with my 980 and I guess I always assumed it was the card, but it wasn't too bad so I ignored it. Can't ignore this shit and it's definitely my PSU. Husband was trying to fix it today, but with no luck. So that'll be my first purchase. I may wait on the monitor for another week. I'm really not super techie and my husband helps me with most of this. Good chance I wouldn't be PC gaming if not for him.
  13. Yep. That's why he's so baffled. It's working fine now. The weird thing last night was he said it was hanging at the bios when trying to detects SATA drives. He unplugged them and it was fine. Turned it back off, rebooted, plugged them back in and it was fine. It didn't happen until he installed the 3070. That's why he said it didn't make any sense. This isn't his first issue since upgrading. His first mobo was just fucked and he got a replacement but still had random issues. Currently, shit is working fine. For now. I think this is the route I'll go for now.
  14. Husband just upgraded to one of the new CPUs and he's had nothing but trouble on his new mobo. Even last night when installing his 3070, he had issues with booting up. He's about ready to throw the damned thing in the trash. Lol
  15. I did pick up an extra shift at premium pay. Maybe I could be incentivized to do a couple more and go for it all at once. One nice thing about covid.
  16. Oh, sweet jesus, this is wonderful. AC Valhalla at maxed setting and running buttery smooth. I'm a happy girl. Next question. Do I upgade to a 120hz monitor or upgrade my CPU?
  17. One of those weird historical anomalies, like John Tyler still having a living grandson.
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