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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Yeah, my husband has no idea when he’ll be able to get it. He wants it so we can maybe start getting back out a bit. He’s sick of always being at home. I'm extremely grateful that I’m vaccinated now.
  2. It was kinda cringe inducing in that thread. The entirety of it. Oh, I see this thread got moved now. That's better. Still blech, but I don't come here often.
  3. It just seems...juvenile. Like stuff we did in high school.
  4. Shouldn't this go somewhere else? There's something so cringey about a bunch of average dudes rating women.
  5. Approaching the halfway point in The Stand. Still really enjoying it. For my nonfiction, I started Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough. I have several books on Theodore Roosevelt, figured I needed to get around to another one.
  6. Animal Crossing, no doubt. But really, I've read more books and gamed less overall during the past year.
  7. My new monitor came in. Smoooooooth. I'm using my old 27" 1440p vertical as a secondary. Overkill? Yeah. But I can, so why not?
  8. I still like soda. I don’t drink it regularly, though. I do really like this new Mountain Dew Zero, though.
  9. Covid ruined my damn travel plans. This year was supposed to be my first to visit overseas. We figured we’d start with the UK because it wouldn’t be as big a culture shock and I love the history there and wanted to see some iconic sites. we’re hoping we can still do Japan next year with a group of friends. The money has been put back, so hopefully this shit is under control by then. I have a lot of places I want to visit in my lifetime. I’d also like to tour most of Europe, including the eastern parts, I’d like to visit a country in Southeast Asia, too.
  10. I really enjoyed all the Luigi's Mansion games. I played them in order, though I did play the first game twice. First on GameCube, then on 3DS.
  11. Thanks, guys. I’ll have to think on it. I'm also thinking about buying an nvme drive. I have two Samsung 500GB SSDs, but my husband took out my remaining HDD when we installed my new PSU. I’d like another TB to replace that.
  12. Definitely full size. I don’t care about the macro and media buttons, really. I think I’d prefer tactile. Husband has one that’s really clicky and I get tired of that.
  13. So I’ve had my current keyboard for over a decade, but I wanna make the switch to mechanical. I’m pretty much in the dark about them. i don’t want to spend crazy, preferably under $100.
  14. New PSU installed. No more coil whine. I am pleased. I also ordered a new monitor last night. 144hz. Looks like I'll have to wait til next week, but I'm excited.
  15. It's been a slow start to the year for me. I reached book 2 in The Stand last night, really enjoying. Lot of characters introduced, but they're starting to come together. I'm also still working on Know My Name, for some reason, it's not grabbing me. I'm close to done, though, and I'll likely finish this weekend. I think I'm going to take a short break from The Stand and read the new release by Angie Thomas, Concrete Rose. I adored her other two books and they were really fast reads, so this one should be too.
  16. I suppose. I've never had a reaction to the flu shot, so I can't say for certain on the severity. My dad got his second dose right after Christmas. He wanted go go hunting that morning and the employee health nurse questioned that decision, but he said he would be fine so he went. He's up in his stand and texts her(it's a small hospital, he's friends with her) and said "I think I'm having a reaction." She's like,"OMG, what's wrong?" He says,"I'm cold and I'm shivering" Her reply? "You asshole!"
  17. Just the typical body aches, fever, chills, nausea, headaches. It's been pretty well reported that the effects of the second dose are more common and severe than the first.
  18. Just got my second dose. I'm hoping I don't have the reactions that some people seem to be having. But at least I'm off until Tuesday.
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