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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I wanted SS more. I still haven’t played WW, but it seems like it’s fine on WiiU.
  2. Overall, that was a pretty good Direct. I wish we had more info on BotW2 and Metroid, but there was a good bit there I’ll be buying.
  3. I don’t think RE5 was that short. I’d have to check my a steam log, but seems like the husband and I spent 15-20 hours in it. It took me about 12 or so hours to beat RE7 if I recall. I liked RE5, but the AI could be dumb and it was more action oriented than prior RE games, so it gets flack from fans. But it was well reviewed at the time and it’s a solid action game. I played it solo on PS3 when it was new and co-op’d it a year or two ago with the spouse. RE6 was pretty bad, though. It’s playable but it’s looked particularly poor compared to other games at the time and it was just very forgettable.
  4. It’s much nicer playing all these old systems in RBG and looking crisp.
  5. I have a husband for this stuff. All of our retro consoles have been modded to various degrees.
  6. The Push was quite disturbing. But good. Now moving on to All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Brynn Greenwood. I’m gonna need to up my lexapro dose when I’m done with these messed up reads.
  7. We’ve already gotten our return.
  8. It was a really fun game. We played it with friends 4 player. I picked up my copy and Amiibos a today at Best Buy. Grabbed a Xbox One controller, too, since my 360 pad is starting to have drift. Good day for gaming.
  9. I loved the movies so much as a kid. I wanted to play hockey but living in a rural southern town, no chance.
  10. The Sun Does Shine should be read by everyone. It’s that essential. If you’re pro-death penalty and this book doesn’t make you reconsider your stance, then you have no moral compass. Now reading The Push by Ashley Audrain. Definitely not my typical read, but I’d seen so much hype over it that I was curious. It has my attention.
  11. The mall near my hometown was largely destroyed by a tornado last March. Best Buy and Barnes & Noble were completely wiped out. Both businesses declined to reopen. And due to covid, reconstruction has slowed and the mall still isn’t open and no time table for when it will be.
  12. I love the Switch but I think my personal favorite handheld would be DS or 3DS, based on the games alone. But I really can’t disagree too hard with Switch being the pick for this list.
  13. It was fun driving home from work this morning in the ice and slush. Thankfully not much traffic on the interstate so I just put it in 4WD and drove about 35-40. I work next Mon-Wed and the forecast is super cold with a good bit of snow(for here). I’d rather have snow than ice, though.
  14. I can’t I’m even wrap my head around how nonsensical it is to let them walk with no punishment. Shit was so blatant.
  15. Seeing his defense of this is pretty fucking gross. I wasn’t accusing him of trolling, but one can truly believe in grotesque ideas.
  16. What about him? He’s also a Trump fan and believes the bullshit election claims?
  17. You guys can't be shocked by Bataar's takes. Isn't this the same guy who was a Trump fan and bought into the election conspiracies? I don't post enough on this board, but damn, I didn't realize Soberchef was this bad. Just...yikes.
  18. I don’t care about anything Star Wars, but I was curious because I saw the news on this development. Good for them for canning her. How long can someone tell you who they are before you start to believe them? She’s shit. yeah...this is a bad take. You can’t compare a political party to an ethnic group of people who were systematically slaughtered in one of the worse genocide attempts in human history. No, just no.
  19. Best I can do: Game Collection - Google Drive DOCS.GOOGLE.COM
  20. The 1200+ games in my physical collection, plus the probably 400 or so digital games I own, I haven’t counted them, but most are on Steam.
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