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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. 2-3 times a week, depending on how much I cook. I never cook on nights I work. There’s just two of us.
  2. So which is it? College shouldn't be free, but cancel debt? That's why I say get rid of the interest or at least knock it down to 1% or something and don't let it start accruing while you're in college. And cancel debt if you've already paid the amount on your actual loan, but still owe thousands more due to the ridiculous interest. I saw someone say something like they took out a $9k loan, paid $16k, still owed $13k. Or something like that. That's insane. But we all know canceling all debt will never happen. The system does need some heavy reworking, though.
  3. That just seems dumb to pay that much, unless you come from a rich family or have a scholarship that covers the vast majority of that cost. I really don't think for most people, it matters where you get your degree. I can go be a nurse anywhere in the country with my BSN from ASU. My husband's best friend went to friggin' South Arkansas University in the big town of Magnolia on full scholarship because he was smart as hell and I guess wanted to stay close to home for a while. Graduated with degrees in Math and Computer Science, went to for at Walmart corporate for six figures, left there, got another high paying job that got bought out by Apple, worked for Apple for a couple years, then Reddit, now AirBnB and he's has a net worth of a few million, including Bitcoin, and he's only 34. All college is expensive, but it makes sense to go where you can afford the best.
  4. This is the most crash-happy game I’ve ever played. The past week, I’ve had multiple crashes per session. When it’s not crashing, my performance is fine. Everything at max and I’m getting an average of 80-90fps.
  5. I’m pretty sure she was claiming it was a Michigan state school. They were out of state. I also think it’s dumb to rack up even more debt going to a school you can’t afford.
  6. I’m having this discussion in another group where some people are saying theirs is more like 7%. one person told me her two kids college was like $600k. I can’t help but this that’s bullshit?
  7. I literally don't remember shit about my student loans, except they got paid off the year after I graduated. We had ~$30k total, $7500 of which was mine from my last year, after my scholarships had completed. I think it was a Sallie Mae loan? No idea on the interest. I'd be down with removing or greatly reducing the interest permanently, that seems to be what kills people. I wonder what the interest is like nowadays.
  8. Infinite Country by Patricia Engel. I like reading Own Voices authors.
  9. Probably not. I don't even know how profitable a 1080 is. We're just doing it becsuse we already had it. He's not bothering with my old 980. Though he didn't realize how much the 1080s were selling now, he's thinking about selling it for a better card when stock improves.
  10. Using NiceHash. It's my husband's project, but my understand is it's automated to mine whatever is most profitable. We get paid in Bitcoin, though.
  11. It's crypto. We're mining with my 3080, his 3070, and his old 1080. Added ~$50 to our electric, but made a little over $300 at current prices.
  12. This was a weird callback after more than a year. But at least I got to be reminded of Xbob telling me how low my standards are because I enjoyed a middling game.
  13. I quit when Glen and Abraham died. Bah. Watched the first season of Fear the Walking Dead, but it didn't keep my interest.
  14. I am legit excited for the Mario stuff in AC. I haven't played it in the last month, so I'll definitely be hitting it again when the update drops. Mario Golf is a day one buy. The new SRPG should be good, I love that genre. I'll probably be getting the Detective game, Legend of Mana remake, and with the pedigree behind World's End Club, I'll almost certainly get that.
  15. Correct. But if you’re finding it exhausting, we can certainly drop it here.
  16. I mean, I find a lot of things tiresome here, just scroll on. There’s literally a ton of characters on the roster that are obscure and we’ve named a good few. Most people don’t recognize Fire Emblem characters, Ice Climbers, Game and Watch, Lucas and Ness, and a good few more. We were just surprised at your reaction, which is obviously understandable. You don’t have to get bent out of shape. We’re all wrong sometimes. It happens.
  17. Chill, dude. We’re just having a bit of fun at your expense. No one is actually mad at you. It was just an odd thing to say, given all the obscure characters in Smash over the years.
  18. Not like the masses knew who the Fire Emblem characters were, either. That series wasn’t selling gangbusters when they made their Smash debut.
  19. Right? Like, I don’t get the surprised reaction by Xenoblade.
  20. Mother 3. From the Earthbound series. It was never released in the west, though there’s an excellent fan translation available. It was on GBA.
  21. I need to review some of the other stuff. I didn’t ge to see it all, as I’d just woken up. I only got through the first dozen hours or so of SS. I liked it, but I got distracted and didn’t go back. Then I was hoping for a remaster or port on a newer console. So I’m excited to finally play all the way through this one.
  22. So look at all the more obscure characters featured. It just seems like a weird stance to take.
  23. Yes, it’s a good game and a lot of people like it. I mean, I doubt they’d be making all these games if it weren’t.
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