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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Hey, my fandom has been well known here for the past decade.
  2. PC: Game room: Arcade room: Small secondary setup with PVM at my husband's desk(excuse the mess, his space is a trash heap):
  3. A guy was shot and people love their pets. Yeah, can't imagine why this made news.
  4. One of the stranger exchanges I've participated in.
  5. I've been doing it all my life, I think I'm good.
  6. I'm pretty sure a few tiny clippings every couple months aren't harming anything.
  7. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Husband has been playing it obsessively with a group of his friends for the past couple weeks.
  8. Varies. My new medication is giving me some constipation so it’s been a bit irregular. Had to start on a fiber supplement. But I probably average once a day. It’s not unusual for me to go 2-3 days without then go 2-3 times in a day.
  9. I grew up in a home without a dishwasher and the dishes were always my chore to do. I hated it. I cook, so the husband gets to wash. We hand wash all pots and pans.
  10. 86. I’ve always a a resting HR on the higher side.
  11. Not often enough. I’m overdue. Probably every 2 months because I forget. They do grow pretty slow, though. I sit on the side of the bathtub and rinse them down when I’m done.
  12. Yeah, that's the one. I see them all the time at my local Walmart. They are neat looking. Just sort of pointless for me.
  13. I kinda want the Ninja Turtles arcade mini they have out. It's really pointless, since I have both TMNT arcade PCBs, but the cabs are cool looking, dammit.
  14. I do like the less bloated feeling of Valhalla. While I enjoyed some of the side stories in Odyssey, there was a lot of it there. I enjoy a lot of these little world event in Valhalla, some of them have made me bust out laughing. I wouldn't mind a few side stories of consequence, though. Overall, I'm just really enjoying Valhalla. It's the setting that does it for me. I love the Middle Ages, especially England.
  15. Yeah, I cannot in good conscience anymore, support this crap. I'll always love HP, but these shitheads aren't getting anymore of my money. I want the rest of the illustrated editions of HP, but I'll just buy them secondhand off eBay.
  16. If I recall, I started IGN in 2005. Left not long after this place started. So yeah. Definitely longer.
  17. I absolutely adore my lit teacher from CC. I still keep in touch with her and talk books and politics. She's also quirky as hell, too, which is fun. I had some really good instructors there, overall. It was a fantastic experience.
  18. Gotcha. I mean, it certainly varies with each individual situation. I lived about 10 minutes from the CC I initially attended, 35 from the university I went to later. I also stayed with my aunt the night before my clinicals, which saved on gas, since she lived in the same city. but I do think we agree on most of the overall points here.
  19. Marginally? $17k for in-state U of M vs $54K out of state isn't marginal. Just look at sbl's post on the difference between CC vs Uni.
  20. I just started, but it grabbed me right away. I'll post some thoughts when I've finished.
  21. Well, wasn't that what I was saying? The place you get a degree from doesn't matter a ton for most people?
  22. The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones. Dunno how I've never heard of this author before.
  23. Yeah, I don’t think most people care about having an open OS or whatever. They just want their phone to do the basics. I went Samsung once, hated it, and I’ve been back with Apple ever since.
  24. I also want to see more emphasis on community college. Not everyone has to go to a four year university. It was largely due to my own laziness in high school and not taking the ACT until the last minute, but I started out at a local community college because they gave me a full two year scholarship. I got my basics out of the way, got good grades, and transferred to university on a scholarship for my nursing degree. I also lived with my parents to save money and commuted the half hour. They never gave a dime to my college education. I’d love to see two year community colleges be free. It’d go along way.
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