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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Something like that. I didn't realize he had a new one coming out already. Sound interesting, I might pick it up this Summer. Started a new fiction, The Last Flight by Julie Clark. It's a fast moving thriller.
  2. Yeah, I'm sure someone has very sincere personal reasons to have voted for Trump that they're not willing to disclose publicly.
  3. Yeah, I was one of the youngest kids in my class, since I had an August birthday, but I was still 14 when I started my freshman year.
  4. Correct. Pedophilia is an attraction to pre-pubescent children. Not that a 20 year old with a 13 year old is okay. All the Ugly and Wonderful Things was a well written book, but goddamn did it make me cringe at times.
  5. October 1 was the cutoff, now I think it's more like Sept 1. I'm thinking there was only one kid in my class who had a Sept birthday. Kids are 14 their freshman year or they're turning 14 right after it starts. So grade 9 is 14/15 and grade 12 is 17/18.
  6. Okay, I recall that now. Or most of it anyway. Can't remember the kid's name, though. Didn't he have kinda long dark hair? Seems like I recall him posting pictures of himself and he looked somewhat androgynous.
  7. I recall him accidentally sending lotion with an order to someone here, but not who it was or anything about outing them.
  8. The case is about a decade old. CPU/mobo/RAM 3-4 years, I'm not totally sure. GPU and monitor were just upgraded. I've got 3 SSDs of varying ages.
  9. You like well done steaks. You do not get to make this assessment.
  10. Phew, Four Winds was addicting. Blew through that in under two days. Now starting Eleanor Roosevelt: The Early Years by Blanche Wiesen Cook. I’ve been meaning to get to this series for a while now. What better time than during Women’s History Month?
  11. Our governor just signed a bill that bans abortion in almost every case, including rape and incest. Jason Rapert led the charge. If you don't know who he is, look him up if you want to find another human being to completely despise.
  12. I'm a registered Democrat and have always voted Democrat. I have a ton of criticisms with the party, though. But since the only other viable alternative is the GOP, I align myself with Democrats. The GOP reflects none of my values because I actually have empathy, so they can get fucked. I'm glad I abandoned my shitty, conservative upbringing by the time I was allowed to vote.
  13. It was a really good interview. The way she was treated was awful. And kudos to Harry for turning out to be such a decent human being.
  14. You generally get your home medications while you’re in the hospital. They’re reconciled and the attending resumes them, unless there’s a good reason not to.
  15. I’ve been dealing dilaudid all night. Woooooo. Least my patients have mostly been chill.
  16. Sometimes I just wish they fucking would. I know I couldn’t sleep in a hospital. If you’re young and otherwise healthy, then give a fucking one time dose of temazepam for crissakes.
  17. In my experience, most doctors are pretty conservative when giving narcotics. Melatonin is usually all I ever give, unless the patient is on a home dose of something stronger. Had a patient last night who threw a fit because the doctor wouldn’t order his home dose of 3mg of Xanax, when he was being admitted for altered mental status and multiple falls. He informed us he was a lawyer and a history PhD and we were asking for a lawsuit. 🙄
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