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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Maybe, but it seems no one is certain of his name here. I have his face in my head and I remember him posting here, but I'm not sure what his name was. He was around for a decent little while. Edit: Andrea got it.
  2. It happens, but it doesn't seem to happen anywhere near as frequently as male pedophiles.
  3. I guess it's something that could vary by state. Nov 30 seems really late, though.
  4. All you do is go to your profile and click on the photo and upload a new one. It's really basic.
  5. I'll be honest, I always find it kind of cringey when a middle aged man has a "sexy girl" pic as his avatar. It seems like a 16 year old boy thing to do.
  6. Hmmm, because you've definitely painted liberals with a wide brush. You just did it the other day.
  7. Like I said, at the extreme least, it means you're okay with bigoted behavior and think someone like that is fit to lead. Racist or okay with racism, that's a distinction without a difference.
  8. I always wonder about people who don't think Biden is mentally competent but have faith that Trump is.
  9. I never called you either. But there is definitely some problematic behavior.
  10. You are when it comes to these issues. I actually hadn't seen you post much lately regarding this stuff and I forgot how you could be. I'm fine when you're talking games or shows or whatever. At the very least, it means your aren't bothered by his overt bigotry, which is still extremely problematic.
  11. Yeah, there's definitely some yikes type stuff here.
  12. Ah, I see. You just mentioned the Black people for no reason then.
  13. You vote for a bigot and a bully and on this board? You know better than to say something like that.
  14. Well, the stuff you said very recently about feeling uncomfortable when you voted surrounded by Black people was a little bit awkward.
  15. Not just that. Other things you've said, too. Mainly regarding race. It's not as overt as what he says, but there are definite undertones.
  16. I mean, a lot can be gleaned from years of your posts. Unless you're one of those people who make up an entire persona. Which does happen. But I don't gather that from you. It's just your personalities, the things you say here. You're not as outright hateful as him, but I see a lot of your views being similar. Plus, you're from the same state and even city, IIRC.
  17. Meant to post that in here. But I sometimes think of Best as BlueAngel-lite.
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