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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I know my guys aren't gonna be spectacular this year, but I'm ready for baseball tomorrow.
  2. Moderation is the key to anything, but I've seen far more damage done via alcohol abuse than weed. Not that I recommend being constantly high.
  3. Final Fantasy VI Symphony of the Night Super Metroid Silent Hill 2 REmake Arkham Asylum AC Valhalla A Link to the Past Mario Odyssey Fire Emblem Awakening
  4. Watched The Pillars of the Earth miniseries after reading the book. I really liked it. Of course they changed some stuff, but it was great seeing so many characters I loved brought to life. Really great cast.
  5. The Dark World isn’t a great movie, but I like it because of Chris Hemsworth. He’s just so much fun to watch play the character.
  6. That's the entire South.
  7. The worst one has made threats saying he's going to get his homies to smuggle in a knife. Or have them wait for us outside in the parking deck. He hit a phlebotomist a few weeks ago when she tried to draw labs. Left a bruise.
  8. Well, yeah, if I were in a busy city, I'd wear a mask most likely. Still low chance of transmission outdoors, but if I were walking down places like that, I'd probably be in and out of buildings. I was just talking about quiet neighborhood walks.
  9. My game collection would be far too expensive to replace. I figure we'd just pack down a u-haul. I'd be less concerned with having to buy new furniture.
  10. They're nowhere near other people. When we cross others on our walk, we just move to the other side of the road.
  11. Some of my biggest asshole patients are paraplegics and quadriplegics. I know it's a shitty hand to be dealt, but please stop with the constant name calling, threats of bodily harm, inappropriate grabbing, and general dick behavior.
  12. I’d like to get the fuck out of Arkansas. Colorado always seemed nice. But I’m terrible at change and this is all I’ve ever known. Well, I did get out of the awful rural area and into a city, but still. Also, I’d dread moving all my books and our game collection.
  13. I need to watch that one again. I’ve been in a comic mood lately. We rewatched Age of Ultron last week and I really like that one, though it seems to be regarded as one of the weaker ones.
  14. He’s really just hangry. He doesn’t do well when he can’t eat. Oh, and he’s at least thankful we have a bidet. I had one at 16, the prep wasn’t fun and any time I get anesthesia, I wake up sick as a dog. Otherwise, it wasn’t a huge deal.
  15. My husband is getting his first dose Friday. He’s pretty excited. As am I. He’ll feel less paranoid about getting out a bit. He wants to go eat sushi at our favorite place when he’s fully vaccinated. He’s getting a colonoscopy tomorrow, so that does offset a bit of his excitement, though...
  16. Have a go at someone. I dunno why, but I always liked that one in books. And I love “arsehole”
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