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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I'm glad I don't give a shit about the new consoles right now. It was stressful enough getting a 3080. But I'm in love with the thing.
  2. Free Will Baptist, but I did get a fair bit of exposure to Assemblies of God from my Dad's family. My parents weren't super hardcore, but they had us in church weekly, which I found boring as hell. But my dad's family lived next to us and they had a lot of influence with the fundamentalism. My youngest aunt, who lived with my grandparents when I was little, wouldn't allow me to watch Ninja Turtles. I got "saved" at VBS when I was 9, but I feel like it was just more that I was doing what was expected of me. I never felt the things I was supposed to feel or whatever. No Holy spirit or any of that nonsense. But it terrified me because I'd been taught if I didn't follow the path and truly get saved, I'd burn in Hell for eternity. It was pretty traumatic breaking away from all that as I got into my 20s. My husband played a big role in that, since he was an atheist since before we started dating.
  3. Well, this season is starting off depressing. Least the Cubs are okay so far.
  4. I'm going to try to get to the end credits on AC Valhalla tonight. Currently sitting at 109 hours, but I've done the vast majority of the side stuff. I still have one more area to complete after the main game, though. I logged 141 hours in Odyssey and I didn't finish the Atlantis DLC.
  5. Just did a rewatch of Endgame. I just love how all these stories tie in with each other.
  6. Basically. First I asked him the question the title of the thread poses. I got a very weird look and then I explained.
  7. I seriously picture dvd as looking like Shapiro so my mind can’t process any woman actually having sex with him. Be like fucking a robot.
  8. Sort of pulls the band of his underwear halfway down so the balls aren’t fully in or out. He just doesn’t want the band putting pressure on his wiener when he’s trying to go. Though often, he just sits down to pee in the master bathroom, since that toilet has the bidet and he doesn’t wanna splash up on it.
  9. I’ve had some logs so big lately they’ve taken a second to go down, but I can’t recall when I last needed multiple flushes. I’ve been on fiber and eating a lot of Raisin Bran and Kashi cereal. Feels good, man.
  10. I've had beer with breakfast food after work in the AM.
  11. Agree with all of that. Sometimes the term “sex” just feels so clinical. I dunno. I’m not particularly sappy, so I guess it works.
  12. I've never used such colorful terms, but sure.
  13. Probably when I came out as an atheist and bisexual. My family was quite disappointed in me.
  14. I've always hated the term "making love" because it really does sound corny, like it only belongs in a sappy romance novel. But it was slower and longer that a quick fuck. Depends on the mood. Either way, we ended up satisfied.
  15. I just had him demonstrate for me because this thread made me realize I've never paid that close attention.
  16. Last night. Though I have varying degrees of what constitutes actual fucking.
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