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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Honestly, I'm really surprised. I figured they'd be better than last year, but still pretty middling. I still really miss the outfield trio of Betts, Bradley, and Benintendi. But I do love Verdugo. Kid has fire.
  2. I didn’t wanna wait, I started End of Watch by Stephen King today. This series has been great.
  3. I’m gonna be sad when this Boston win streak finally ends.
  4. It was the worst pain I’d felt in a long long time. I didn’t scream, but I did have some tears streaming down my face. Just felt like repeated needle stabs to my cervix. They just couldn’t get it to fit. Of course, it worked against me that I’d never had kids. Ah well. The ring does work fine.
  5. This is correct. It was another reason I originally got on BC. My periods were terribly irregular and extremely painful back then. It’s commonly used to regulate cycles.
  6. All of this, lol. On the rare occasion when we have to use one, I think Durex is the brand we use. It’s been a long while, though.
  7. My periods are definitely shorter and lighter with the ring but I never fail to have one when I take it out on time. I originally tried to get Mirena when I was making a switch, but they literally couldn’t get it in. That was 45 minutes of torture from the APN and the doctor before we all agreed to stop. She gave me some samples of the ring to try and it wasn’t so bad, so I just stuck with it.
  8. I’ve been on birth control since I was 18 and never had problems. Been on the ring for the past 7 years and it’s been great. I'm not using condoms when I’ve been exclusive with someone for years. We stopped using condoms when we got married. I only use them now if I’ve been on any short term meds that can mess with my BC.
  9. I saw it when it first came out but I couldn’t tell you a single thing about it now. Just that I’m pretty sure I liked it decently at the time.
  10. I mean, I fuck up in my job, it has potentially lethal consequences. So I try not to fuck up. We also have more checks in place than fucking police, too.
  11. I almost wanted to read one of his books then I realized how insane he was. Glad I didn’t waste my money.
  12. I didn't wrap up Valhalla last night, so it's gonna have to wait til Wednesday at least, since I've got work. Jotunheim is done, though.
  13. 5 in a row for Boston after getting swept by Baltimore to start the season. Maybe this won't be a total train wreck. I could barely watch last year.
  14. Gonna try to wrap up the Asgard storyline in AC Valhalla, then I'm done with it until expansions arrive.
  15. We watched this a couple months ago and I was lost for most of it. Or maybe I just didn't care enough to follow the story. I thought the action was pretty good, it was a good looking movie. But I couldn't follow it. I've liked most of Nolan's other movies. I even followed Inception pretty well.
  16. I think BA has just crossed the line from alt-right troll into insanity. It's a fine line.
  17. He's really a giant prick when you think about it. Like, even when I struggled with letting go of my belief and wondered if I was wrong, all I had to do was think about how awful the Christian god really is and I'm like, shit, why would I wanna take that guy's side anyway? I know I'm derailing the thread a bit here, but I've been really down on religion lately. Been a little feisty for a couple reasons. It really is tragic DMX did this. I never followed the guy or his music, but addiction is a terrible thing. The awful patient I mentioned recently? He died of an OD. His "wife" (aka a crackwhore) brought him drugs in and that's what did it. After they finished up with him, the staff found crushed pills and rolled up dollar bills under his pillow. Sucks, but it happens all the time.
  18. Yo, I said my thoughts on prayer and he got passive aggressive. Yo.
  19. I just always saw prayer as pointless, except maybe it made the praying person feel better, like a placebo. I mean, if God is supposed to be omniscient, he already knows what's going to happen, so some people begging him for something is gonna change his mind? Nah. Let's pray for a rapper to recover, in the meantime a child dies from cancer while his family prayed hard. Man, that jehovah guy is awesome.
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