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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Fun, fun, fun. Finished the third boss area. I don't think I'll play enough to have it finished tomorrow and I work the next three nights, so it'll probably be Friday or Saturday before I'm done.
  2. WWJD? Call someone a bitch of course! It's been fun.
  3. And he can't even spell it right. Good grief, I never imagined such a mild comment could spark such a reaction. Yikes! His desperation for me to not bring up his religious hipocrisy is pretty amusing, though.
  4. Yep, that was the creepy, really bad place. I may have screamed a couple times. Tried to get my husband to play through that part, but he was like NOPE.
  5. Telling someone to seek therapy because you wrongly claim they're "confused" is absolutely mocking mental health issues. But probably wise to stop digging in deeper.
  6. I believe there was a historical figure named Jesus who taught a lot of what's in the Bible. I've said so on this very forum. I also believe if you're going to dedicate your life to following his teachings, then maybe stick with it. Those concepts are not at odds with each other. Again, making fun of metal health issues is incredibly shitty. I may not agree with Best's religious beliefs, but I'm sure the hell never going to mock him for his mental health issues.
  7. ngl, I love it when Bryce Harper fails and he's been doing that a lot this series.
  8. Yeah, I don't ever make fun of mental health issues. There are certain lines you don't cross and absolutely nothing I said warranted that kind of attack.
  9. Really, the entire series is great. Well, I assume Exodus is. And they're short, so definitely worth playing through them all.
  10. See, now that's a shitty thing to say. Especially when I've discussed my own mental health struggles here. Can't imagine why I'm not friendly to you!
  11. I don't think Jesus called people bitches, either. I'm not sure when you've made compliments toward me, sorry if I missed something. I clearly made you feel some kind of way with the responses you keep giving me. And you gotta be blind if you think I'm the only person here who has ever "been mean" to you. You clearly have a problem that's fixated on my exclusively. If you need a scapegoat during your troubled times, that's fine, I guess. I know you've been through some stuff and I truly am sorry for that. I'd never attack you based on those things. But if you're going to live your life strictly biblical, you might want to look at some of your own unchristlike behaviors. It goes way beyond the whole masturbation thing.
  12. Weird how you don't say anything to the others who say worse. I literally made two mild comments. But, sure, keep up the passive-agressive style. I'm sure Jesus approves. And I'm pretty sure it's been more recent than 10 years, especially if you're counting Discord. Again, I'm sorry I upset you. But, no, I'm not going to promise I won't ever say anything to you again. That's silly and childish.
  13. Yeah, it was rough. I'm still not as active as I used to be, but playing fairly regularly again is nice.
  14. Yeah, I can see myself playing it this summer. I've been trying to go for some shorter games lately, since finishing Valhalla. I'll definitely grab it on the next Steam sale. I've been playing more games lately, but reading also takes up a ton of my free time.
  15. No EGS for me. It goes on sale on Steam frequently. Besides, I've got to finish Resident Evil, get back to Control, and buy the AC Valhalla expansion.
  16. I think I'm finally gonna go for this next time it's on sale. I just suck at being stealthy in this series, so I never get the good endings. I need to start the books. I've had the first one on my shelf for a couple years or so.
  17. I treat people based on how I'm treated. I can totally be a bitch when appropriate. Mostly, I just ignore you these days, though. You're too much of a try hard.
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