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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Gonna be playing more Dragon Quest VIII tonight. I'm getting close to the end. About to head to the final dungeon.
  2. See, I find N64 uglier. It's aged the worst of the three consoles of that gen. Even with the RGB mod, there's still a filmy coating and it's just unappealing. For me, it's primarily the lack of variety. Yes, it was a great MP system, but it didn't have anywhere near the variety of PS1 and was a huge step back from SNES. The lack of RPGs alone killed it for me. Out of 90s systems, it's SNES, PS1, Genesis. In that order. I'll take Saturn over N64.
  3. Talk of failures aside, I don't understand how so many people still have so much love for N64. I'm in a few 90s nostalgia groups on FB(yeah yeah) and there have been so many polls about "favorite 90s console" and N64 wins almost every time. Just...how? How do you rank it above SNES and PS1? Dafuq.
  4. I'll get my booster next month, when they start giving them. That'll be right around the 8 month mark for me, since I was fully vaxxed as of 15 Jan. So the non-ICU covid unit is right next to my unit, just through some double doors. They really need to make it a lockdown unit, because it's all fucking psych patients over there and it's been a mess. There are elopements almost daily. One guy got out the other night, was tackled and tased by the sheriff's deputies and bit the shit out of one of security guards right above his nipple. I mean, it was a perfect bite mark shape, bleeding all over. Trying to keep these psych covid patients in their rooms is a disaster.
  5. Just watched it. That was really good. Definitely a great adaptation.
  6. He liked the feel of it sliding out. He was weird. He was some fat, middle aged ugly dude with a young mail order bride.
  7. A foley is the name for a specific type of catheter, the indwelling kind. They get used during major surgery and removed some time after.
  8. An expected reaction. Years ago, I had a mean tell me he liked it when I pulled his foley post-op. Yeesh.
  9. It’s not that bad. Definitely uncomfortable, but not torture or anything. Sometimes it’s weird when I stop and realize most people have no idea how things work, the things I do on a daily basis and think nothing of.
  10. I only hate putting in catheters in men when they have enlarged prostates, then the damned thing just wants to curl up toward the balls. Then we gotta get a special one with a bit stiffer and curved end. Nothing worse than trying to find the urethra on a morbidly obese woman, though. Gotta wait for it to wink.
  11. It’s pretty obvious, for all the reasons people have already explained in this thread. If you’re still baffled, you just have to be deliberately obtuse.
  12. Now reading We Are the Brennans by Tracey Lange. Gimme some good old Irish family drama.
  13. I’ve known about it since I was a kid, because it’s what my dad used for heart worm prevention in our outside dogs.
  14. I thought this was a joke when I saw the thread title, so I didn't look at it until now. I'm really sorry that happened and hope you have a speedy recovery. And I hope you get a ton of money.
  15. I have all mine, K-12. They’re in my closet.
  16. Yeah, I need to give it a try sometime. I wasn’t aware of so many SK adaptations.
  17. Shawshank was good, but I already knew that story and I actually prefer the movie more. Apt Pupil was excellent and disturbing and I went into that one knowing nothing. Now starting The Body.
  18. Here in the capital, our mayor issued a new mask mandate. It's not been that effective from that I've seen, though. Just depends on the place that wants to enforce it.
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