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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I guess I’m lucky in that I’ve rarely had issues. Sometimes a package gets hung up at the regional facility for a few days, but that’s about it.
  2. Bangor was fun. Except when my husband totally barfed on the Stephen King tour bus. I’ve seen the man puke once, maybe twice in our 16 years together and he gets sick on vacation. Oh well. This morning I let him sleep in and I went to Mount Hope Cemetery. It’s quite old and they filmed some scenes from the first Pet Sematary movie there. Today we went to Bar Harbor and Acadia. It’s a horribly foggy day, so I couldn’t really get any great photos, but we still enjoyed ourselves. Back to Bangor and we fly home tomorrow. This has been a great trip. Had tons of great food, gotten to see a lot and the weather was great for the most part. I’m glad we did this.
  3. I finished 1922 in the novella collection and stopped it to read Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy. I should have it finished tonight.
  4. After a breakfast at Dunkin’, it’s off to Bangor for the final leg of our trip. I find New England's obsession with Dunkin’ cute. We have Starbucks everywhere back home, but only one Dunkin’ in the city.
  5. Yeah, we rode a Greyhound to Yellowstone on a class trip when I was in 6th grade. I certainly can’t recall all of our stops, but we certainly saw all of Kansas and Nebraska, not that there’s much to see. So I count them.
  6. I’ve not had a ton of time for reading since I’m on vacation, but I have been reading Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King when we’re relaxing.
  7. Portland has been fun. Way better than cities of similar size where I grew up.
  8. Maybe tonight. Kinda tired from a long day outdoors. But it’s been several days and we’re overdue.
  9. I didn’t count Washington DC, so add that.
  10. Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. I’m tired, but I think that’s 26.
  11. I wish my husband liked beer, it would be so much more fun to go to the breweries here.
  12. I would like to go to Vermont when the fall colors are in full blown mode. Someday. This is my second time in the region and definitely not my last.
  13. That’s on my list. If this fucking pandemic will ever end.
  14. First vacation since 2018. We flew to Boston, saw a Red Sox game on Sunday. @Kal-El814 and his lovely lady hosted us for a delicious dinner at their abode Sunday evening. Then Salem for museums on Monday, and now we’re in Portland, ME. I have enjoyed a lot of delicious seafood, the weather has been lovely compared to the Satan’s asshole that is my home state. My only complaint is that the driving here sucks. The roads are not well marked and the street signs seem hard to see most of the time. Otherwise, I adore New England and I’m thrilled to be traveling after so long. Fuck covid.
  15. Well, that was a fantastic day at Fenway.
  16. Win or lose, this is an excellent day for a game at Fenway.
  17. I've been working OT lately, so my reading has been on the slower side(for me). But the money is too damn good right now, plus I'm going on vacation starting Saturday. I finished the Ted Williams bio this week and The Dead Zone last night. Now starting The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum and Crusaders: The Epic History of the Wars for the Holy Lands by Dan Jones.
  18. Damn, y'all have missed out on some awesome stuff. Trying to think for me, I dunno. Probably any of the big Xbox exclusives.
  19. Yes, benzos are addictive. Gabapentin isn't a benzo, though. We get a lot of patients in with alcohol withdrawl. They go on a gabapentin protocol and taper down. Ativan is used more PRN. I don't always have to give it. Basically, you should speak with a doctor.
  20. Get a PS5 when it actually has a good library. An Xbox is pointless if you already stay on top with PC gaming.
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