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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. So do I. I still enjoy not having endless payments. 3 more years(or less, depending on Bitcoin) and the mortgage is paid and no debt.
  2. Okay, so I finished Chasing the Boogeyman early this week. Just been busy, had a death in the family, out of town for the services and all. I liked the book. It's like part memoir, part murder mystery, set in the guise of true crime. I liked the crime parts more than the memoir. Overall, a solid 4/5. I need to read the Gwendy books from him, so I can be ready for the finale of the trilogy in Feb. I'm still working on Skeleton Crew, in the last third now. Some stories have been forgettable, some great. Next up is The House on Cold Hill by Peter James and Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson.
  3. I’m sure there’s a photo of me somewhere wearing a tshirt with the Confederate flag when I was 18 that would destroy any chance of me running for national office now.
  4. Now I’m seeing my coworker posting stuff from Nancy Grace, like the DNA doesn’t match or whatever. The FBI got it all wrong!
  5. Goooo Braves Boston had a great run, just wish it hadn’t ended so quietly and against such a detestable team.
  6. I don’t think anyone deserves anything based on the accident of where they were born.
  7. The Outsider 7/10 A solid Stephen King adaptation. It meandered a bit at times, but for the most part it remained sufficiently creepy and entertaining.
  8. I don't know if I ever really see myself replaying these. I never beat SA, some RC plane mission that was awful got me stuck, IIRC. I loved Vice City, but I dunno if I could go back now. Maybe when they're on sale. Oh, and I liked GTA IV.
  9. I have a new coworker who is mixed, Black father, White mother, but she can “pass” for white. We were talking last night and she was telling me how the other day she kinda low key got upset because a Black tech from another floor came to visit us and it got brought up and she got kinda vocal about telling her she wasn’t Black enough because she didn’t “act or look Black.” So yeah, it goes both ways.
  10. Okay, they are not the deadliest snake in America. Their venom has more of a localized reaction. Nasty and painful, but almost never deadly if you seek treatment. Rattlesnakes account for the vast majority of US snakebite deaths, though in total, we only see maybe half a dozen deaths a year here.
  11. I haven’t really followed this case at all, but my coworker tonight is in a tizzy, saying it’s not really him and none of it makes sense and his parents should be arrested. Lordy. It’s tragic, but I just can’t really get invested in these cases.
  12. Bummer. Ah well, off to work. Maybe that can distract me from my sadness with a different kind of sadness,
  13. Phew, finally finished Outlander last night. Mixed feelings on that one. Lot of parts that dragged. Overall, I liked it, but I’m debating just watching the show from here on. I started the show last week and 7 episodes in it’s really good. Just feel like the book could have been edited down a fair bit. Otherwise, I’ll still reading Skeleton Crew and I started Chasing the Boogeyman by Richard Chizmar last night. Also finished Six Women of Salem a few days ago, haven’t decided what my next nonfiction read will be.
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