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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I'm just not willing to deal with weeks of nasty, greasy hair to test it out. I don't have issues with flakes or anything, so I'll keep washing my hair daily. People actually compliment my hair because it's so soft and straight. It's basically virgin hair. Other than a couple instances of minor highlights when I was 18, I've never colored or otherwise treated my hair.
  2. Started my Christmas read: NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. I think this is gonna be good.
  3. I saw last night where 2 were dead at a destroyed nursing home near my hometown. Waking up to this news earlier today was awful.
  4. Read Craven Manor by Darcy Coates in a day. Hers are just fun, easy ghost story reads I do a couple times a year. Now reading We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker. It’s supposed to be excellent, but I’m early in and just not super feeling it. Gonna stick with it for a bit longer and see if I can find the magic.
  5. Yeah, my hair is healthy and I don’t have any scalp issues. I just have oily hair. If I sleep on it, it gets oily.
  6. Like, I consider my parents gun nuts. They hunt, but they’re also just hardcore 2Aers who do make it part of their identities and their gun ownership goes way beyond hunting. I like to hunt, but my life doesn’t revolve around it or around guns. It’s just something fun I do. That said, I don’t even think my family is nutty enough to take photos like that. It’s beyond disturbing.
  7. Yes, that is batshit. I see photos like that and think those people have a mental illness.
  8. Weird, how I live in a state with tons of guns and hunters, but they aren't shooting up the place. Most of the gun violence is in the cities and done with handguns. Which I strongly do believe need heavy regulation.
  9. My entire stance is finding solutions that can work in the current century. Guns aren't going anywhere, especially hunting rifles, which aren't really the issue anyway.You can't create laws that can be enforced like what's being suggested. The problem isn't hunting culture and yeah, teaching your kids basic gun safety is simply a smart move. Of course, pretty much nothing will be done for the foreseeable future, even the easy stuff.
  10. I guess it’s a miracle my brother and I didn’t die or kill anyone with a hunting rifle as kids.
  11. We went from a 55” in the game room. This thing looks huge. Moved the old 4K to the living room where it replaced the old 55” 1080p, which is being given to his parents. Good deal all around.
  12. And again, I ask, how are you going to enforce it? I never said it was a good idea to give kids unfettered access to guns. Just that teaching kids to hunt and understanding how to safely handle firearms isn’t the problem here. Guns aren’t going away, so it’s smart that you teach them proper safety and respect.
  13. We just joined the OLED club. Got a 65” LG. Gonna test it out tonight, so I’m kinda excited. We couldn’t really think of what to get each other for Christmas, so we just decided to go half and half on this.
  14. Read The Collective by Alison Gaylin the last couple days, that was an interesting thriller. Now reading We Are Not Like Them by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza. Should be another quick one.
  15. It’s not even workable, what’s being suggested. Highways are public places and laws can be enforced. How’re you gonna enforce what you’re suggesting? And again, hunting rifles aren’t really the problem here. I’m not seeing the evidence suggesting we need to ban anyone under 18 from hunting. And I’m still stuck on how we’re supposed to make hunting a job industry where guns can only be accessed on site, lol. Anyway, keep on. I’ve made my views on guns clear many times over the years. Nothing is gonna change.
  16. Again, show me the issue. Teaching kids about gun safety from an early age is important. Not doing so is stupid.
  17. I’ve advocated many times for much stricter gun regulation, including licensing and registration to own them. I’m just saying y’all are clearly being unrealistic when you say things like “no touching guns until age 18” and even more absurd shit like making hunting an official job where you only access guns on the job site. Like, how is that supposed to work? So much hunting is done on private land. So where’s the job site? Take an essential recreation that millions of Americans practice and turn it into a job? It’s just not realistic. That’s now t how things work. And these single shot hunting rifles aren’t the real problem.
  18. Y’all are being a little ridiculous. And clearly showing how little you understand.
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