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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Not something I really would have given much thought to, but all the needles I've ever used for injections have safety mechanisms you close when the injection is given.
  2. Goddamn, Four Hours In My Lai is brutal. I knew about the atrocity but reading these first hand accounts is just infuriating and damn near brings me to tears. For fiction, I’m starting Ring Shout by P Djeli Clark.
  3. I'm just saying these people aren't that uncommon. I've known many of them my entire life.
  4. My crazy, evangelical aunt literally will not read a book or watch a movie with any profanity or even basic sexual stuff. She's 50 and a virgin, that's how hardcore she is. I can easily believe the dopes banning Maus aren't putting anymore thought into it than that.
  5. I’m glad the book is getting more publicity but it’s been an icon for 35 years. Makes me sad so many people still hadn’t experienced it.
  6. I wish I had a niece or nephew to borrow from time to time. But as it stands, the only sibling who reproduced is my husband's half-sister and she's an absolute toxic piece of shit who we have nothing to do with. I feel bad for her kids.
  7. What bullshit. That’s and excellent book, btw. Probably my favorite graphic novel.
  8. I’ve always enjoyed Marty and Ruth’s relationship. They’re a fun dynamic.
  9. Childcare ain't cheap. Makes me think how lucky our parents were. Both of us grew up living nextdoor to grandparents and our grandmothers didn't work. That was free/cheap childcare right there. We don't have that option now.
  10. I mean, we do discuss major purchases beforehand. Those decisions are made jointly. I wouldn't go buy a new vehicle without talking to him first. My mom did that and I thought it was weird. He's also a tightwad in general, where I'm more of a free spender. I've bought 4 new pairs of shoes in the last month(actually kinda unusual for me) where he's bought one new pair in the last 4 years. So us having separate accounts works better. I buy what I want with the money I earn and he saves or dumps extra on the mortgage.
  11. Since neither of us have any serious health issues, our out of pocket costs are pretty negligible and we just take care of them ourselves like every other expense. I'm on a few prescriptions, but they're cheap.
  12. Snow White was like my least favorite Disney movie, but I didn't think they met before. Sleepy Beauty was Prince Philip and they met prior and shared a song in the woods. Edit: I was wrong. Both films they met prior to the curses and fell in love. But I do recall reading that Prince Charming was like 30 and Snow White was 14.
  13. We have our own health insurance plans through our employers. Own retirement accounts. Own credit cards. I’m still on my parents’ cell phone plan and I pay them monthly for it. He uses some stupid basic cheap plan with t mobile and Google voice.
  14. I'm barely 5 feet and I've dealt with comments all my life. Probably not as bad since I'm a woman and that's more acceptable. But I can't imagine being a foot or more shorter.
  15. It's worked extremely well for us for nearly 12 years of marriage. We have access to each other's accounts in case something were to happen to one of us. We split the mortgage, makes it easier, since he tends to pay more of the extra than I do. I pay some bills, he pays others. Nothing difficult about it. And we can spend what we want on ourselves without question.
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