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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Strikers looks good, but yeah, I’ll wait for reviews. I hyped for all these new MK courses. Here I thought they were done with it. Husband is psyched for Xenoblade 3. This was a darn good Direct.
  2. It was noted that it was gonna focus on stuff releasing the first half of this year.
  3. Kirby looks so good. I might grab that Chrono Cross remaster. Never played it and I've have a copy on PS1 for years. Just never got to it.
  4. I recall my little brother not pooping at all on vacations when we were kids. I remember once he sat on the toilet crying for an hour or so when we got home and my mom ended up giving him an enema. No idea if he's still that way.
  5. Eh, I might poop a bit less, but it’s not a big deal. I don’t like pooping in public restrooms unless I’m in dire straights, but if it’s a hotel or whatever, I’m fine.
  6. I wish I could lose weight. But it does feel kinda minor, since I'm not grossly overweight and I know I could if I put the effort into it. It's just some mental block I have.
  7. I honestly don't remember what, if any, teaching I had on the Holocaust in school. I was well aware of it, since I was a history nerd and read stuff like that on my own. I read Maus on my own time back then. I took a Holocaust class as an elective in college, too. Seems like I recall we never made it to much 20th century history in school. Always seemed to run out of time.
  8. Very nice. PC and Switch is where it's at. I still haven't gotten around to getting a PS5 and haven't turned on my PS4 since last Summer.
  9. Had a $25 Best Buy gift card, so I picked this up today. Seems different enough to maybe draw me in.
  10. The old arcade. Hence me saying we played it on the candy cab.
  11. Punisher was fun. I don't see us buyinh any more PCBs. So expensive and as old as they are, you're starting to see more issues with them. He's already had to work on my Knights of the Round board a couple times.
  12. Husband and I are going to play Punisher on the candy cab tonight. He got his Mistercade up and running. I imagine I'll also get some time in with Far Cry 6.
  13. I loved RE Village. Ran great, creepy and fun. Give me more. I really liked the first DL and I expect to like this one when I play it.
  14. Also reading A Column of Fire by Ken Follett. It’s the third book in the Kingsbridge series. Trying to decide what my next nonfiction will be.
  15. I can see that. IM injections don't usually bleed much, so you've got time. I'm sometimes a little messy when starting IVs and drawing blood, though.
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